Tag Archives: homosexuality

“But God Made Me This Way!” or, Another Excuse for Surrender

I’ve lost count of the number of times I have heard this statement. It usually comes from someone justifying a lifestyle or behavior. One might explain away his temper by saying, “I just have a short fuse.” Another might say, “I’m not good at confrontation” while avoiding a brother in sin. Many justify their active gay or lesbian lifestyle by declaring that “God made me this way!” All these statements have at their heart the idea that God made me to sin and, I should stop resisting and just be the person God made me to be. In other words, it’s God’s fault so I will surrender.

We snuggle in the comfort of our excuses, that is, until someone rips away the covers and exposes the emptiness of our claim.

You Were Made in God’s Image

God is the Creator. He made all there is, from inanimate rocks to humans. Mankind was the last to be created. He formed man and then woman as the crowning glory of his work.

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:26, 27).

In whatever way we are made, it is like unto God. We are not God, only like him in certain ways. Uniquely, we have a soul (Genesis 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:45). We were originally sinless and destined to live in the presence of God (c.f. Genesis 1:28-31; 3:8). We, like all of creation, were pronounced “very good” by God (Genesis 1:31).

Undeniably, a good and holy God could produce no evil. We were not made for evil but for good (Ephesians 2:10).

You Were Made for Victory

If you are like me, you have suffered many defeats and losses. We foul up more than we want to admit. But God did not make us losers! Listen to Paul extol his victory:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing”

(2 Timothy 4:7, 8).

Paul said Christians were “more than conquerors” in Christ (Romans 8:7). When the battle is hard, we have full confidence that God will make a way of escape.

“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”

(1 Corinthians 10:13)

Those who suffer the temptations of homosexuality are not unique; they are not alone. But just like every other temptation, God will sustain you and deliver you from your burden. The only way to fail is to surrender.

If your temper comes fast and your words are biting and uncensored, you can overcome. God will help. The only way to fail is to surrender.

Satan promotes the lie that God made you to sin. He did not. Satan is a liar (John 8:44) and must be rejected. Don’t give up. God and his people will walk with you through your trials.

Elton John and Jesus

EJElton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the same way as heterosexual couples. Biblically, Elton John is just wrong.

Most glaringly, he misses the point that Jesus is alive today. The resurrection of Jesus and the empty tomb are centerpieces of the Christian faith which John claims to know so well.

But as far as his claim that homosexuality should be accepted today because the “times have changed,” he is still in error. There are multiple clearly understood prohibitions against homosexuality in the Bible and there is not even a single instance of an approved homosexual relationship found anywhere in Scripture.

Elton John’s reasoning, that Scripture must change to meet modern times is an old and tired attempt to break free of Biblical commands someone does not like. Logically, if Scripture cannot stand the test of time then truth does not exist. Jesus said that God’s word is truth (John 17:17). Truth doesn’t change.

The entertainer also fails in his understanding of what God desires for mankind. In the Guardian article, John is quoted as saying, “He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that is what the church should be about.” Jesus is about love, compassion and forgiveness and the church should also pursue the same goals. But that love, compassion and forgiveness must be the same kind of love, compassion and forgiveness that Jesus has. Jesus’ goal was stated simply by the Lord himself, “For the son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).

First, Jesus is about redemption. He is about rejoining man to his previous relationship with God. A relationship that had been marred by sin. Jesus does desire our happiness, but our eternal happiness is the goal, not some temporary earthbound happiness. Elton John doesn’t like the idea that his sexuality is somehow restricted or contained by God’s Word. What he fails to understand is that everyone’s sexuality is constrained in some way. All of our behaviors are limited. But those restraints serve to bring us into holiness together with our Lord.

No Christian should be found “bashing” or abusing people in any sin. We are all sinners. I daily speak for God as a preacher of his word. It is an enormous responsibility which I humbly accept. So when someone else claims to speak for Jesus, as Elton John has done, he must also bear that same responsibility. We have no permission to err. We have no right to presume. When someone speaks wrongly they should be challenged.


Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

Unrestrained Passions

538px-Man-and-woman-icon.svgThe dust up over Duck Dynasty and homosexuality brought many thoughts into view. The Biblical view is that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. The lawless view is that there is no such thing as God and therefore no such thing as sin. In the middle are masses who either do not know what the Bible teaches or they know and do not care. The lawless will not be convinced by anything said here. But some in the middle might be interested. Let us present this discussion in slightly different way.

Homosexuality as the “Super Sin”

To hear some, the practice of homosexuality is the “super sin.”

There is no super sin. All sin brings rightful condemnation from a just God. Sin which seems so small in our eyes always has enormous consequences in the eyes of the righteous judge.

“but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,  and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear” (Isaiah 59:2).

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

“No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3, 5).

Some would declare that homosexuality is the worst possible sin because the Bible declares it an “abomination” (Leviticus 18:22) . True enough, homosexuality is an abomination. But there are other abominations which are far less offensive to most Christians.

Fortune telling is an abomination (Deuteronomy 18:12).

A haughty person, a liar, one who creates division, a false witness are all abominations (Proverbs 6:16-19).

No, homosexuality is not the super sin. We have made it into such because it offends us deeply. In reality, it is little different from any other sin of an unrestrained heart.

Unrestrained Passions as Sin

At the heart of so many sins are unrestrained passions. These desires are not controlled by the individual and certainly are not controlled by the Spirit. Such free-wheeling passions arise from sin (Romans 6:12; 7:5). These human passions are not simply controlled, they are destroyed in Christ.

And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires “ (Galatians 6:24).

In place of these passions is the Spirit of Christ. As Paul says, we have died but are made alive by Christ who now lives in us (Galatians 2:20).

But unrestrained passions are not built upon Christ but upon the deadly idea that a person should always be allowed to do anything and act in any manner if he alone so chooses. This is the rationale behind the motto of the 1960’s, “If it feels good, do it.”

Man must bring his own desires and passions under the constant control of the Savior. Unrestrained passions condemn. Paul said that he “disciplined” his body daily to keep it under control (1 Corinthians 9:27). In Romans 8:13 he reminds that we do not live based upon what the body (flesh) wants but what is of the Spirit. Peter joins Paul in 1 Peter 2:11 when he reminds his readers to “abstain from the passions of the flesh.” Why? He answers: those passions “wage war against your soul.”

Homosexual conduct certainly is contained in the idea of an unrestrained heart, but so are many heterosexual behaviors.

Young people must not live together in a sexual union without the blessing of God. To do so is fornication and is a sin. Like all, a young person’s sexual appetite must be retrained to marriage only.

For example, a heterosexual man may not engage in uncontrolled sexuality. He may not pursue any and all women but is restricted to his one lawful wife. A heterosexual woman may not avail herself of just any man. To do so is adultery and is a sin. Like all, her sexual activities are restricted to the marriage.

A person divorced cannot be remarried except within the teachings of God’s word. In these examples, the heterosexual, like the homosexual, are prevented from any sexual act that is not condoned by God.

Even beyond sexuality, man is expected to control and restrain himself. God demands that we restrain ourselves from sin wherever it is found.

Homosexuality is absolutely a sin. But it is a sin just like adultery, fornication, pornography and so on. Let us reject the world’s idea and be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus calls all to freedom in Him. Will you respond?

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

When Persecution Comes Home

An American preacher is being held in Iran, charged with violations of national security. Specifically, Saeed Abedini  was sentenced to 8 years in prison for converting from Islam to Christianity. According to his wife, Abedini was offered freedom if he would renounce his faith in Christ. He refused.

This horrible affair strikes at the heart of Americans because we deeply value our freedom to practice whatever faith we choose. Many of the first settlers to these shores came to escape religious persecution in their homelands. Freedom of religion is enshrined in the Bill of Rights as a foundation to the the freedoms we enjoy in the United States. Freedom of religion is one of the most sacred cherished freedoms we enjoy.

At least, it used to be.

At Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, a 19 year Air Force Master Sargent has been arrested, given his rights, and ordered to face charges in a court martial proceeding because he filed a religious discrimination case against his commanding officer. The CO wanted to punish a subordinate because the man had expressed faith-based reservations about homosexuality. Monk disagreed and was ordered to reveal his personal opinions about homosexuality. He refused and was relieved of his duties. He filed a religious discrimination complaint against the CO and was then ordered to face the court martial. The religious persecution story can be read in its entirety. I encourage you to so.

Others have faced persecutions for decades and we have been insulated. No more. Opposition to the sin of homosexuality is now sufficient reason to ignore the Bill of Rights and attack Christians. You will notice in the story that not only are homosexuals now a protected class, so too are Muslims.

For the Christian, we must remember the words of Jesus:

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10)


“Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10)

There is no reason to believe that our time here will become any easier. Evil men will grown worse and worse (2 Timothy 3:13). But our glory is not here. It is with Christ who is risen. Let us be in prayer and in preparation for difficult days.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

Let Me Come Out

Let me come out. I’m straight.

Let me say one more thing. I know, have known and have dearly loved friends who were gay or lesbian. I would never trash them or abuse them. But in the same breath I have to say that the LGBT lifestyle is sinful.

ESPN analyst Chris Broussard said it well.

The upshot of what Broussard is saying is that we are all sinners. Like those who practice homosexuality, adultery, fornication, lying, deceit, theft, etc. etc., sin is sin. Athletes and entertainers living in willful sin need the love of Christ like anyone else.

My concern is that some have surrendered to sin and happily live in it without engaging the battle for purity and righteousness. Let us seek to daily walk worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4:1; Colossians 1:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter  @jbevans.

Should We Change?

People vote for a candidate for one or many possible reasons. One very large set of issues are those that deal with social issues or moral issues. Things like abortion, gambling, gay marriage and work ethic issues define many American voters. For many years, politicos have been telling us that these issues are unimportant to many and downright offensive to others. In the aftermath of last week’s election those who seek an amoral approach to politics are even louder and point to our belief in certain foundational social issues as one major reason that a conservative candidate was not elected. One commentator was bold enough to say that it was time to leave abortion behind. Are they right? Should we become silent and even indifferent to moral issues? Of course not.

Moral Issues Are God’s Issues

Our support of moral issues is predicated on Biblical teaching. We support what God has taught and dare not support what he condemns. Paul says God has spoken to us through his Spirit and  that the Spirit has searched and knows “the depths of God”  (1 Corinthians 2:6-13). It is this same Spirit that guides men into truth (John 16:13) and moved holy men to compose the books of the Bible we have today (2 Peter 1:21). We can no more jettison clear Bible teaching than we can reject the sonship of Jesus Christ.

Moral Issues Are “Salt” Issues

Jesus expects his people to be men and women of influence. He uses common salt as an example of the Christian in Matthew 5:13. The idea is unmistakable. Christians must come into contact with the world so that we can influence the world. Peter, James and John could not live upon the Transfiguration Mountain; the apostles could not remain in the upper room after the crucifixion. The work was among men. Likewise, our work is among the people of our day. We must add influence where we can.

Moral Issues Elevate a People

When a nation pursues God and seeks righteousness and goodness, that nation is blessed. Solomon said, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The founders of this nation understood that principle and sought divine blessings. Only succeeding, corrupt, generations have twisted their desires and intents to exclude righteousness from the public square. God blesses those who draw near to him (James 4:8) while opposing those who do not (Psalm 34:16).

Moral Issues Are Not Decided by the Majority

In Genesis 6, Noah did not take a poll before beginning the ark. Joshua did not seek military advice before encircling Jericho (Joshua 6). As Noah’s story makes clear, the majority is a horrible indicator of righteousness. The Lord himself tells us that most will be lost (Matthew 7:13). Pollsters and politicos would have use determine the important issues based upon focus groups and polling data. Sadly, some religious groups today survey their communities to decide what to preach on. Opinion driven preaching is driving millions into Satan’s arms every day. We must stand for truth even if we are the last man standing.

Christians must stand for goodness and influence others for righteousness whenever and wherever they can. We cannot be deluded into thinking that political victories are important enough to ignore what God has said. Let us stand until the Lord calls us home.


Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter  @jbevans.


Tolerance is an important buzz-word in American culture. We are taught, encouraged and cajoled into being tolerant of every odd idea that appears. There is no greater complement among some than to be thought a tolerant person. Tolerance has become the holy grail of our godless society.

The idea of “live and let live” has been corrupted into a an unholy mantra which demands acceptance and even support of immorality and unrighteousness. We must be tolerant of those who choose to take the lives of unborn children; we must tolerate and support the alternate lifestyles of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender groups; we must happily accept the those who practice serial marriages and even those who engage in open cheating on their spouses. In some quarters, voices were raised to tell us we must understand the anger of those who attacked innocents on 9/11.

As with so many discussions, proponents of various kinds of sin gently and quietly change the meanings of the words they use. Tolerance is an excellent example. The meaning of tolerance has shifted. To many, it now means “acceptance.” Trends within our own locale suggest that soon tolerance will mean “support.”

An example will help. If my neighbor practices witchcraft I will not burn his house down. I will not attack him as he works in his yard. I will not stand on the property line and shout insults at him. I will tolerate his presence. However I will never encourage him in his sin. When confronted by his own comments and practices I will oppose him. I will teach my children against his ways and will give air to my thoughts freely. It’s not an acceptable lifestyle.  While I may tolerate it I will not accept or support it.

Tolerance has gone too far.

I need to pause for a moment and make something clear. I do not advocate, nor have I ever, assaults upon anyone who practices unrighteousness. I have both spoken and written about the sin of hatred. That is wrong. Nevertheless, I must not stand by sheepishly while every sin is cast into the Christian’s face while a chorus of the wicked tells us we must not complain. I am told that I must be tolerant of their views while they remain intolerant of mine.

Would Jesus tolerate sin?

Jesus was not tolerant of those who perverted the sanctity of the Temple grounds and sought to profit God’s worship. (Matthew 21:12; John 2:14-15). Other wickedness was not dealt with physically but this assault upon the dwelling place of the Father was too much.

Jesus was not tolerant of ignorant religious leadership. He rebuked Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, because he did not understand basic teachings about the Christ (John 3:1-15). He was hard, even harsh, on the Pharisees and scribes who were leading Israel astray (Matthew 23).

   Jesus was not tolerant of sexual immorality. When was woman was used to try and trap Jesus into a clash between his ways and the Law of Moses he did not tolerate or accept her sin. He told her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11).

Jesus’ inspired apostles were likewise solidly in opposition to sin. Peter was neither tolerant nor understanding of those who watched as Jesus was crucified. He spoke plainly and demanded their repentance (Acts 2:36-38). Paul was not silent concerning homosexuality. He uses some of his strongest language anywhere to condemn that immoral lifestyle (Romans 1:18-32).

We are blessed to live in a place where free speech still reigns. Despite ongoing attempts to label opposition to some sins as “hate speech,” and thus make it illegal, the pulpit remains free as are those who serve the risen King. Let us raise our voice loudly and push back against those who serve the god of their own lusts. Stand for what is right. Speak a word loudly for the Lord!


Does God Hate Homosexuals?

Homosexuality is a divisive subject. Many cannot talk about it without becoming enraged. Often the discussion turns personal and anger grows. Even though it is a difficult subject, Christians should not be silent if the Bible addresses the topic. The obvious answer here: God does not hate homosexuals nor does he hate anyone. It was God’s intense love of sinners that caused him to send his precious son to pay for our sins (Romans 5:8).

I have come upon a fine, well worded article on the subject which I commend to your reading. Dale Jenkins, a Gospel Preacher in Spring Hill, Tennessee has many Alabama connections. His father was the longtime preacher at Roebuck Parkway in Birmingham until his passing in 2010.

Dale responds to the the charge that Christians are hateful of homosexuals. I encourage your consideration of the article.

I Support Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A is a national, successful fast food restaurant that supports Christian values. Privately held by the Cathy family the stores seek to promote an atmosphere of solid family values. Unlike many restaurant chains Chick-fil-A has not crumpled under the assault of secular groups demanding tolerance for their views while blasting away at the core values most of us hold. Recently, the company has been featured on the front of CNN’s website in a story highlighting fierce opposition from the homosexual community.

I ask you do do two things. First, read the CNN article. It will teach you something about the lack of tolerance from hateful groups. Please note especially that Chick-fil-A was attacked not because they attacked a homosexual group but because they did the horrible sin of donating food to a group that opposes homosexual marriage. Second, go buy something from Chick-fil-A. Support those that support your values.

Father’s Are Needed

I awoke Sunday morning to an awful set of articles that were published on Father’s Day and which bashed and smashed fatherhood in general. First came a story in the Washington Post about a father, suffering with cancer, trying to ensure his daughters are well cared for by a team of Dads who will carry on after his death. It’s a touching story of a Dad who loves his daughters and is doing all he can to provide for their future. But oddly he began his story, and overshadowed it, by telling us that Dads are, according to the science-gods, not that important.

He bases his conclusions on a report this month from the magazine Atlantic. Author Pamela Paul ((Paul authored Pornified, a book I have praised and used in our series here on pornography.)) wrote Are Fathers Necessary? for the July/August 2010 edition of the popular magazine. Paul based her article on a study, 6 months old and previously released, published in the scholarly Journal of Marriage and Family.

Now here’s the gist of the study: There is no scientific proof that children need both a father and a mother. Two homosexual women are just as good, better if  you read closely, than a heterosexual couple. By extension, it seems the same could be said about two homosexual men verses a heterosexual couple. The study, which supposedly bashes men, actually does not. It attacks traditional, heterosexual parenting! Continue reading Father’s Are Needed