Tag Archives: News

Who Are You Listening To?

Unrighteous church gossipI was studying Psalm 1 this morning and it suddenly hit me. God’s people need a better filter. We need to screen out the empty words of the wicked from our lives. That seems obvious but there is more to it; it has a greater impact than you might think.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the of the wicked…”

(Psalm 1:1)

Let’s say it in our way of talking: The blessed man doesn’t listen to the wicked. Would you agree that is an accurate restatement? It is. A man who is blessed by God isn’t guided by the wicked but by the words of God, “his delight is in the law of the Lord” (vs. 2). God’s words or man’s words. Our choice. But it is also our consequence to bear. The blessed man is sustained and preserved by God while the wicked will perish (vss. 5, 6).

Now, my sudden insight: We are all listening to the wrong people!

How many radio talks show hosts have “enlightened” you this week? We hop in the car and turn on the radio and there they are, feeding us all the bad news possible. On the internet there are thousands of influencers trying to conform our thoughts into a replica of their opinions.

Even the evening news programs have blurred the line between facts and opinions and hope to convince us of their way of thinking.

There are many bloggers, like me, who do the same thing. It seems everyone is trying to conform you to their way of thinking.

The Bible says be careful of who you listen to.

Suffering Job was surrounded by friends who tried to convince him that he had failed. Even his wife advised him to “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). I’m glad Job rejected her words, aren’t you?

Jesus rejected the counsel of Peter. The Lord was describing his suffering to his apostles when “Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him” (Mark 8:32). Jesus’ response? “Get behind me Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God but on the things of man”         (Mark 8:33). Jesus rejected unsound counsel and so should we.


Many years ago my wife, Bobbi, and I installed an under sink water filter in our home. The first time changed the filter we were shocked at the filth that had been blocked by the filter. We’ve never been without one since. We must filter the influx of opinion from worldly minded people We must be  more discerning of our chosen news and opinion providers.

Even more, I insist we spend more time having our thoughts transformed by the word of God.


“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

(Romans 12:2)




BombyThere is a human rights crisis in the middle east. Syria is expanding its influence, Hamas is ginning up violence, Israeli vigilantes are responding violently and slowly the United States is being dragged back into a deadly conflict. But this website is decidedly not about politics or foreign affairs. But I am concerned about the human factor, especially the children.

My worries are not about the adults so much as the defenseless little ones.

Children Are Dying

In any violent conflict, children suffer and die. The cause or allegedly justness of any conflict does not change the death toll nor lessen the trauma inflicted upon the children. Christians should be heart broken. Jesus loved children and was often found surrounded by them (Matthew 19:13-15). He said that children represented the nature of the kingdom of Heaven.

These children are absolutely innocent. Their only “sin” was being born into a region where hatred rules.

Children Are Learning to Kill

Today’s killers were yesterday’s children. The mid-eastern violence is a self replicating cycle that knows no end. Children who once played with sticks and dolls today fire guns and throw hand grenades. Somehow, the cycle must be broken. Children who have witnessed bombings and killings must decide that it is not worth it any longer.

The problem is that there is no moral leadership influencing the people of the region. Hatred rules and there is no one to say stop!

The love of Jesus Christ, almost unknown in the region, is the answer. These groups are anchored in tit for tat violence that will not otherwise end. Only the message of salvation has a chance.

Christians ought be in prayer constantly over this slow moving tragedy. We pray, not because of some supposed, coming rapture or earthly kingdom, but because prayer is the only way to lessen the violence. We pray for our U.S. leaders but also for the national leaders and militant leaders. We pray for the unnamed community leaders who can influence the conflict. We pray for the mothers that they teach peace to their children.

If we fail to pray and assert our influence for good the conflict will continue until there is no one left to die. The stakes are so high.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

Elton John and Jesus

EJElton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the same way as heterosexual couples. Biblically, Elton John is just wrong.

Most glaringly, he misses the point that Jesus is alive today. The resurrection of Jesus and the empty tomb are centerpieces of the Christian faith which John claims to know so well.

But as far as his claim that homosexuality should be accepted today because the “times have changed,” he is still in error. There are multiple clearly understood prohibitions against homosexuality in the Bible and there is not even a single instance of an approved homosexual relationship found anywhere in Scripture.

Elton John’s reasoning, that Scripture must change to meet modern times is an old and tired attempt to break free of Biblical commands someone does not like. Logically, if Scripture cannot stand the test of time then truth does not exist. Jesus said that God’s word is truth (John 17:17). Truth doesn’t change.

The entertainer also fails in his understanding of what God desires for mankind. In the Guardian article, John is quoted as saying, “He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that is what the church should be about.” Jesus is about love, compassion and forgiveness and the church should also pursue the same goals. But that love, compassion and forgiveness must be the same kind of love, compassion and forgiveness that Jesus has. Jesus’ goal was stated simply by the Lord himself, “For the son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).

First, Jesus is about redemption. He is about rejoining man to his previous relationship with God. A relationship that had been marred by sin. Jesus does desire our happiness, but our eternal happiness is the goal, not some temporary earthbound happiness. Elton John doesn’t like the idea that his sexuality is somehow restricted or contained by God’s Word. What he fails to understand is that everyone’s sexuality is constrained in some way. All of our behaviors are limited. But those restraints serve to bring us into holiness together with our Lord.

No Christian should be found “bashing” or abusing people in any sin. We are all sinners. I daily speak for God as a preacher of his word. It is an enormous responsibility which I humbly accept. So when someone else claims to speak for Jesus, as Elton John has done, he must also bear that same responsibility. We have no permission to err. We have no right to presume. When someone speaks wrongly they should be challenged.


Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

Is Religion Becoming Extinct?

No it is not. Religion, at least the true faith of the Bible, is here to stay. However the BBC is reporting on a group of mathematicians and statisticians who have declared that religion may soon be extinct. They use complex mathematical formula to analyze declining religious affiliation in various countries. But they miss one important point:

“…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18)

That says it all.

While numbers may rise and fall, the church stands. Once true religion is gone all hope likewise vanishes. And so far as I am concerned, my religion will not become extinct as long as I live even if I am the only one left who believes in Jesus as the Son of God and in his power alone to save.


Your thoughts?

Gulf Oil Spill and Jesus

It shouldn’t be surprising that some people will use faith as a tool to achieve political ends. Governments have done it for ages. The Russian Orthodox Church was cooperating tool of the old Soviet empire, the Roman Catholic Church almost divided over the issue of Liberation Theology in Central America. More than any of those radical Islamic militants use the Muslim faith as an excuse for their terroristic activities. So we should not be shocked to see some people using religion as a means to achieve their green agenda.

God created this world and all that is in it. In Genesis 1:28-30 God gave this creation to man and man was to have dominion over it. It is not a stretch to say that men should be good stewards of what God has given. But some are taking this to extremes and even merging pagan beliefs into a supposedly Christian message about the oil spill and other ecological disasters.

Jeff Poor has an article I think you should read. He discusses the Gulf oil spill and religion. It’s an eye opener.

Persecution Against Christians in Vietnam

The Religion News Blog reports on continuing violence against Christ believers in Vietnam. You can read the details at their website but it reminds me just how blessed we are in this country.

Like you, I am often frustrated at the direction our country seems headed. Immorality rules. Faith is challenged. But we do not face the struggles like people in some distant lands. These people strive to remain faithful under the harshest of punishments while we often fold our faith for the lightest inconveniences.

Their faith should encourage us to step up and be faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10; Revelation 2:25-26).

How Religious Are We?

Here are some stats for you numbers people. The Pew Forum has released survey numbers showing which states are the most religious. The rankings were based on the percentage whoself-reported that religion is very important in their lives. As expected the southern states fared best. Mississippi was the most religious state and Alabama came in 2nd overall. Arkansas, Lousisiana and Tennessee rounded out the top 5. At the bottom were Connecticut, Rhode Island (tie), then Maine, Massachusetts, Alaska and finally New Hampsire and Vermont (tie).

Mississippi was first in all categories including Frequency of Prayer, Worship Attendance and Belief in God.

The only surprise, at least to me, was the second place position of Utah in the Worship Attendance group. Of course the Mormons place a high value on attendance and there is a significant Mormon population in Utah.

Of course, the real question is “How religious am I?” It doesn’t really matter where you live but how you live, right?

The full Pew report can be found here.

As always, your analysis and comments are desired.