
Tolerance is an important buzz-word in American culture. We are taught, encouraged and cajoled into being tolerant of every odd idea that appears. There is no greater complement among some than to be thought a tolerant person. Tolerance has become the holy grail of our godless society.

The idea of “live and let live” has been corrupted into a an unholy mantra which demands acceptance and even support of immorality and unrighteousness. We must be tolerant of those who choose to take the lives of unborn children; we must tolerate and support the alternate lifestyles of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender groups; we must happily accept the those who practice serial marriages and even those who engage in open cheating on their spouses. In some quarters, voices were raised to tell us we must understand the anger of those who attacked innocents on 9/11.

As with so many discussions, proponents of various kinds of sin gently and quietly change the meanings of the words they use. Tolerance is an excellent example. The meaning of tolerance has shifted. To many, it now means “acceptance.” Trends within our own locale suggest that soon tolerance will mean “support.”

An example will help. If my neighbor practices witchcraft I will not burn his house down. I will not attack him as he works in his yard. I will not stand on the property line and shout insults at him. I will tolerate his presence. However I will never encourage him in his sin. When confronted by his own comments and practices I will oppose him. I will teach my children against his ways and will give air to my thoughts freely. It’s not an acceptable lifestyle.  While I may tolerate it I will not accept or support it.

Tolerance has gone too far.

I need to pause for a moment and make something clear. I do not advocate, nor have I ever, assaults upon anyone who practices unrighteousness. I have both spoken and written about the sin of hatred. That is wrong. Nevertheless, I must not stand by sheepishly while every sin is cast into the Christian’s face while a chorus of the wicked tells us we must not complain. I am told that I must be tolerant of their views while they remain intolerant of mine.

Would Jesus tolerate sin?

Jesus was not tolerant of those who perverted the sanctity of the Temple grounds and sought to profit God’s worship. (Matthew 21:12; John 2:14-15). Other wickedness was not dealt with physically but this assault upon the dwelling place of the Father was too much.

Jesus was not tolerant of ignorant religious leadership. He rebuked Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, because he did not understand basic teachings about the Christ (John 3:1-15). He was hard, even harsh, on the Pharisees and scribes who were leading Israel astray (Matthew 23).

   Jesus was not tolerant of sexual immorality. When was woman was used to try and trap Jesus into a clash between his ways and the Law of Moses he did not tolerate or accept her sin. He told her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11).

Jesus’ inspired apostles were likewise solidly in opposition to sin. Peter was neither tolerant nor understanding of those who watched as Jesus was crucified. He spoke plainly and demanded their repentance (Acts 2:36-38). Paul was not silent concerning homosexuality. He uses some of his strongest language anywhere to condemn that immoral lifestyle (Romans 1:18-32).

We are blessed to live in a place where free speech still reigns. Despite ongoing attempts to label opposition to some sins as “hate speech,” and thus make it illegal, the pulpit remains free as are those who serve the risen King. Let us raise our voice loudly and push back against those who serve the god of their own lusts. Stand for what is right. Speak a word loudly for the Lord!


16 thoughts on “Tolerance

  1. I think the socially acceptable way to be is to tolerant. That is what our culture tells us. I am not big about being politically correct, especially if it is something that I feel clashes with my Christian beliefs. To me, tolerant means you kind of mind your business, you don’t start trouble, etc. and I think that can be a good thing, but I also feel that if everyone is tolerant, no one will take a stand. I try to pick and choose when to overlook things and be tolerant, and when something is worth making a stand for. Belive me, I choose my battles wisely.

  2. Tolerant for me is being selfish. Like in instance, if you will tolerate a person to use prohibited drugs, you are not helping him. You are putting him down. Pushing him to a world that’s full of distress and no future at all. Isn’t it selfishness? Instead of helping him out to that vices and encouraging him to do good. Where’s your selflessness?

  3. You are putting him down. Pushing him to a world that’s full of distress and no future at all. Isn’t it selfishness? Instead of helping him out to that vices and encouraging him to do good.

  4. The writer of this blogg has surely hit the nail on the head. It is about time that we the silent majority styand up for what we believe in and not let the minorities, the government of the law makers descriminate against us (the majority) with introduction of unjust laws that destroy the moral fiber of our society. We do not condemn their way of thinking and we love those people as part of God’s creation, its just that their behavior and beliefs do not co-inside with god’s law.

  5. Tolerance when it comes to patience with others is a good trait. But too much of it can mean you’ll be too lenient when leniency is not a good route. Too much tolerance from a politcal perspective can, of course, get you killed. We can be, for example, too tolerant of a particular group of individuals. Tolerance breeds complacency. Complacency breeds vulnerability. Vulnerability breeds opportunity. The opportunity of course falls on those who, for example, wish to do us harm. Tolerance when it comes to drugs or alcohol can cause one to overdose and die.

  6. The word tolerance has most certainly been abuse by our law maker. Law maker have allow minority group to force their way of life on the majority. For a country that has been founded on Christian values it horrified and disturbed at some of the laws the have been passed in the name of tolerance and discrimination. It fact it is the majority that is being discriminated against today. It time that we speak out for our rights also.

  7. There are times when being tolerant is a good trait to have, but there are time when being tolerant is bad especially when it pertains to the laws of the state and the laws of God. People need to act, speak out about the injustice that is taking place in out nation by unscrupulous businesses or unjust laws create to satisfy the greed of corporate America.

  8. Tolerance when it comes to patience with others is a good trait. But too much of it can mean you’ll be too lenient when leniency is not a good route. Too much tolerance from a politcal perspective can, of course, get you killed. We can be, for example, too tolerant of a particular group of individuals. Tolerance breeds complacency. Complacency breeds vulnerability. Vulnerability breeds opportunity. The opportunity of course falls on those who, for example, wish to do us harm. Tolerance when it comes to drugs or alcohol can cause one to overdose and die.

  9. As a mother to my son is not easy in terms to discipline him. Tolerance comes along when he’s growing old. It’s not advisable to tolerate all things he do when you know that is not good to him. But baby insist because they just become conscious and observant. That is why, tolerance can be meant even you know that is wrong.

  10. Thanks for a really good reflection on Tolerance. We can respect that others differ with us and not agree with their choices, and even voice our opinions as still be tolerant.

  11. Tolerance when it comes to patience with others is a good trait. But too much of it can mean you’ll be too lenient when leniency is not a good route. Too much tolerance from a politcal perspective can, of course, get you killed. We can be, for example, too tolerant of a particular group of individuals.

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