Tag Archives: gambling

Wanna Bet?

13-02-27-spielbank-wiesbaden-by-RalfR-065How many times have we been told that gambling will solve all of our problems and make our state coffers flush with cash? We’ve heard that gambling is the answer to everything from school funding to medical research. In fact, gambling brings with it a whole new set of problems. Aside from violating the Golden Rule, stomping the work ethic and taking food off the table of those least able to afford it, gambling is a crime producer.

Now there is statistical proof . The Pew Research center says states with gambling see an increase in public corruption when gambling is approved. The most corrupt states in the nation are gambling states while the least corrupt do not promote gambling. This is not the last word on the subject but it is worth reading the report. You can find “For states, gambling on casinos may be bad bet” on the Pew website.

Many years ago, Alabama gave approval to dog racing in Greene County. Located in the black belt of Alabama, Greene was a picture of poverty. Despite throngs of visitors, the county is still gripped by poverty, poor education and poor healthcare. All of the promises failed. It’s worth thinking about the next time some politician tells you how gambling will cure what ails us.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.

Should We Change?

People vote for a candidate for one or many possible reasons. One very large set of issues are those that deal with social issues or moral issues. Things like abortion, gambling, gay marriage and work ethic issues define many American voters. For many years, politicos have been telling us that these issues are unimportant to many and downright offensive to others. In the aftermath of last week’s election those who seek an amoral approach to politics are even louder and point to our belief in certain foundational social issues as one major reason that a conservative candidate was not elected. One commentator was bold enough to say that it was time to leave abortion behind. Are they right? Should we become silent and even indifferent to moral issues? Of course not.

Moral Issues Are God’s Issues

Our support of moral issues is predicated on Biblical teaching. We support what God has taught and dare not support what he condemns. Paul says God has spoken to us through his Spirit and  that the Spirit has searched and knows “the depths of God”  (1 Corinthians 2:6-13). It is this same Spirit that guides men into truth (John 16:13) and moved holy men to compose the books of the Bible we have today (2 Peter 1:21). We can no more jettison clear Bible teaching than we can reject the sonship of Jesus Christ.

Moral Issues Are “Salt” Issues

Jesus expects his people to be men and women of influence. He uses common salt as an example of the Christian in Matthew 5:13. The idea is unmistakable. Christians must come into contact with the world so that we can influence the world. Peter, James and John could not live upon the Transfiguration Mountain; the apostles could not remain in the upper room after the crucifixion. The work was among men. Likewise, our work is among the people of our day. We must add influence where we can.

Moral Issues Elevate a People

When a nation pursues God and seeks righteousness and goodness, that nation is blessed. Solomon said, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The founders of this nation understood that principle and sought divine blessings. Only succeeding, corrupt, generations have twisted their desires and intents to exclude righteousness from the public square. God blesses those who draw near to him (James 4:8) while opposing those who do not (Psalm 34:16).

Moral Issues Are Not Decided by the Majority

In Genesis 6, Noah did not take a poll before beginning the ark. Joshua did not seek military advice before encircling Jericho (Joshua 6). As Noah’s story makes clear, the majority is a horrible indicator of righteousness. The Lord himself tells us that most will be lost (Matthew 7:13). Pollsters and politicos would have use determine the important issues based upon focus groups and polling data. Sadly, some religious groups today survey their communities to decide what to preach on. Opinion driven preaching is driving millions into Satan’s arms every day. We must stand for truth even if we are the last man standing.

Christians must stand for goodness and influence others for righteousness whenever and wherever they can. We cannot be deluded into thinking that political victories are important enough to ignore what God has said. Let us stand until the Lord calls us home.


Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter  @jbevans.

After the Lottery

Alabama’s Governor is already talking about gambling and some supporters are smacking their lips at the idea of making millions off of foolish people easily separated from their money. The recent economic downturn seems to be the perfect time to once again tempt the voters of Alabama into accepting a lottery.

Well here is a story about what happens to some people after they win. It doesn’t really prove things one way or anotehr but it is interesting.

The link is here at MSN Money.