Category Archives: Homosexuality


Tolerance is an important buzz-word in American culture. We are taught, encouraged and cajoled into being tolerant of every odd idea that appears. There is no greater complement among some than to be thought a tolerant person. Tolerance has become the holy grail of our godless society.

The idea of “live and let live” has been corrupted into a an unholy mantra which demands acceptance and even support of immorality and unrighteousness. We must be tolerant of those who choose to take the lives of unborn children; we must tolerate and support the alternate lifestyles of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender groups; we must happily accept the those who practice serial marriages and even those who engage in open cheating on their spouses. In some quarters, voices were raised to tell us we must understand the anger of those who attacked innocents on 9/11.

As with so many discussions, proponents of various kinds of sin gently and quietly change the meanings of the words they use. Tolerance is an excellent example. The meaning of tolerance has shifted. To many, it now means “acceptance.” Trends within our own locale suggest that soon tolerance will mean “support.”

An example will help. If my neighbor practices witchcraft I will not burn his house down. I will not attack him as he works in his yard. I will not stand on the property line and shout insults at him. I will tolerate his presence. However I will never encourage him in his sin. When confronted by his own comments and practices I will oppose him. I will teach my children against his ways and will give air to my thoughts freely. It’s not an acceptable lifestyle.  While I may tolerate it I will not accept or support it.

Tolerance has gone too far.

I need to pause for a moment and make something clear. I do not advocate, nor have I ever, assaults upon anyone who practices unrighteousness. I have both spoken and written about the sin of hatred. That is wrong. Nevertheless, I must not stand by sheepishly while every sin is cast into the Christian’s face while a chorus of the wicked tells us we must not complain. I am told that I must be tolerant of their views while they remain intolerant of mine.

Would Jesus tolerate sin?

Jesus was not tolerant of those who perverted the sanctity of the Temple grounds and sought to profit God’s worship. (Matthew 21:12; John 2:14-15). Other wickedness was not dealt with physically but this assault upon the dwelling place of the Father was too much.

Jesus was not tolerant of ignorant religious leadership. He rebuked Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, because he did not understand basic teachings about the Christ (John 3:1-15). He was hard, even harsh, on the Pharisees and scribes who were leading Israel astray (Matthew 23).

   Jesus was not tolerant of sexual immorality. When was woman was used to try and trap Jesus into a clash between his ways and the Law of Moses he did not tolerate or accept her sin. He told her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11).

Jesus’ inspired apostles were likewise solidly in opposition to sin. Peter was neither tolerant nor understanding of those who watched as Jesus was crucified. He spoke plainly and demanded their repentance (Acts 2:36-38). Paul was not silent concerning homosexuality. He uses some of his strongest language anywhere to condemn that immoral lifestyle (Romans 1:18-32).

We are blessed to live in a place where free speech still reigns. Despite ongoing attempts to label opposition to some sins as “hate speech,” and thus make it illegal, the pulpit remains free as are those who serve the risen King. Let us raise our voice loudly and push back against those who serve the god of their own lusts. Stand for what is right. Speak a word loudly for the Lord!


Does God Hate Homosexuals?

Homosexuality is a divisive subject. Many cannot talk about it without becoming enraged. Often the discussion turns personal and anger grows. Even though it is a difficult subject, Christians should not be silent if the Bible addresses the topic. The obvious answer here: God does not hate homosexuals nor does he hate anyone. It was God’s intense love of sinners that caused him to send his precious son to pay for our sins (Romans 5:8).

I have come upon a fine, well worded article on the subject which I commend to your reading. Dale Jenkins, a Gospel Preacher in Spring Hill, Tennessee has many Alabama connections. His father was the longtime preacher at Roebuck Parkway in Birmingham until his passing in 2010.

Dale responds to the the charge that Christians are hateful of homosexuals. I encourage your consideration of the article.

Father’s Are Needed

I awoke Sunday morning to an awful set of articles that were published on Father’s Day and which bashed and smashed fatherhood in general. First came a story in the Washington Post about a father, suffering with cancer, trying to ensure his daughters are well cared for by a team of Dads who will carry on after his death. It’s a touching story of a Dad who loves his daughters and is doing all he can to provide for their future. But oddly he began his story, and overshadowed it, by telling us that Dads are, according to the science-gods, not that important.

He bases his conclusions on a report this month from the magazine Atlantic. Author Pamela Paul ((Paul authored Pornified, a book I have praised and used in our series here on pornography.)) wrote Are Fathers Necessary? for the July/August 2010 edition of the popular magazine. Paul based her article on a study, 6 months old and previously released, published in the scholarly Journal of Marriage and Family.

Now here’s the gist of the study: There is no scientific proof that children need both a father and a mother. Two homosexual women are just as good, better if  you read closely, than a heterosexual couple. By extension, it seems the same could be said about two homosexual men verses a heterosexual couple. The study, which supposedly bashes men, actually does not. It attacks traditional, heterosexual parenting! Continue reading Father’s Are Needed

H.R. 1913 Will Not Stop Preaching

763px-handcuffssvgBrethren are being warned about the passage, in the U.S. House, of H.R. 1913. The bill is called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. The warnings tell of future prosecution or persecution of preachers who speak Biblically against homosexuality.

We are all sensitive to any threat against the pulpit. Some in our culture would love to stop all preaching especially that which brings to light their own sins (John 3:19). God’s men have preached against sin in good times and in bad and will continue to do so no matter what threats may appear (2 Timothy 4:2).

H.R. 1913 will not shut down the pulpit as warned by some and likely will not open the door for federal seizures of preacher’s computers, books, files etc.

Here are some things about the bill typically left out of the dire warnings:

  • Hate crimes against religion are protected in this bill along with hate crimes against “NATIONAL ORIGIN, GENDER, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, OR DISABILITY” (actual language, Section 6).
  • The bill specifically targets those who commit a crime “through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerouse [sic] weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device” (actual language, Section  6).
  • The bill specifically excludes any activities protected by the Constitution (Section 8). The First Amendment secures our right to practice religion and to engage in free speech.

Homosexuality is sinful (Romans 1:26, 27) and should be opposed. But let us be so careful in our church bulletins and our emails. Inaccurate reporting of legislation, although with good, solid motives, is harmful and should be avoided.

The larger question is whether preacher’s will stand for truth or cave in to  the latest fad or trend. Even if the government should somehow ban preaching altogether, faithful men will continue to preach the words of God loudly and  publically.

If you are still concerned you should know that your local Congressman, Jo Bonner, voted against the measure. The bill has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee where your Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is the ranking member.