Having been defeated at the ballot box in California the gay and lesbian lobby is trying to win through the courts by overturning so-called Proposition 8. The ballot initiative simply stated that marriage was between a man and a woman.
Meanwhile, Prop 8 supporters have hired noted attorney Ken Starr to represent them before the Supreme Court. In addition, supporters are also asking that all homosexual marriages performed in California before the Prop 8 vote, be nullified. As you can imagine, there is quiet the uproar in the West. The CNN report is here.
The Proposition 8 defeat was a shocker to Gays and Lesbians who seem to think all the world supports their sinful cause. They do not. There is a remnant of righteous people who were willing to stand up and oppose the onslaught.
We would quickly add that while we do not support the homosexual agenda in any fashion we also do not support hateful conduct or attitudes towards those who do. Let’s us despise sin in all its forms but not the sinner. Christ died for their sins as he did for ours.