Tag Archives: media

Who Are You Listening To?

Unrighteous church gossipI was studying Psalm 1 this morning and it suddenly hit me. God’s people need a better filter. We need to screen out the empty words of the wicked from our lives. That seems obvious but there is more to it; it has a greater impact than you might think.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the of the wicked…”

(Psalm 1:1)

Let’s say it in our way of talking: The blessed man doesn’t listen to the wicked. Would you agree that is an accurate restatement? It is. A man who is blessed by God isn’t guided by the wicked but by the words of God, “his delight is in the law of the Lord” (vs. 2). God’s words or man’s words. Our choice. But it is also our consequence to bear. The blessed man is sustained and preserved by God while the wicked will perish (vss. 5, 6).

Now, my sudden insight: We are all listening to the wrong people!

How many radio talks show hosts have “enlightened” you this week? We hop in the car and turn on the radio and there they are, feeding us all the bad news possible. On the internet there are thousands of influencers trying to conform our thoughts into a replica of their opinions.

Even the evening news programs have blurred the line between facts and opinions and hope to convince us of their way of thinking.

There are many bloggers, like me, who do the same thing. It seems everyone is trying to conform you to their way of thinking.

The Bible says be careful of who you listen to.

Suffering Job was surrounded by friends who tried to convince him that he had failed. Even his wife advised him to “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). I’m glad Job rejected her words, aren’t you?

Jesus rejected the counsel of Peter. The Lord was describing his suffering to his apostles when “Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him” (Mark 8:32). Jesus’ response? “Get behind me Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God but on the things of man”         (Mark 8:33). Jesus rejected unsound counsel and so should we.


Many years ago my wife, Bobbi, and I installed an under sink water filter in our home. The first time changed the filter we were shocked at the filth that had been blocked by the filter. We’ve never been without one since. We must filter the influx of opinion from worldly minded people We must be  more discerning of our chosen news and opinion providers.

Even more, I insist we spend more time having our thoughts transformed by the word of God.


“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

(Romans 12:2)



What Pro-Lifer’s Really Want

Abortion is probably the single most polarizing discussion in America. Few people are in the middle and most have staked out their positions long ago. Still there are frequent debates. Conservative Chuck Norris entered the fray with an article entitled Away with the Manger.” In it he suggests that abortion may have been driven in ancient days by a desire to avoid stoning for immorality. Norris’ suggestions are pretty wild but are nothing in comparison to Left-wing talk show hostess Rachel Maddow at MSNBC. Maddow actually suggested pro-lifers would love to see the return of stoning. She said, “I look at the whole crux — the whole crux of his argument rests on the idea if only we still had stoning for abortion.” Actually, Norris was making the opposite point that stoning may have contributed to abortions in the first century. But with her wildly misapplication of what he said showed us a bit of what pro-abortionists think of pro-lifers. Cheap shot don’t you think?

Here’s the truth. Pro-lifers simply want for the unborn what Rachel Maddow has: Life. We are not concerned to issue punishments except insofar as the law allows. No one has ever suggested we bring back stoning for abortion. Our preference is to promote life. We want the unborn to have a chance at the same life we all have enjoyed.

The abortion debate will rage hot for years to come. Maddow should be ashamed.