Wednesday Blog Roundup – June 24, 2009

Welcome to our weekly roundup of excellent posts from Christian bloggers across the internet. We hope you will enjoy our selection this week.

Scott McCown at Morning Drive has two articles for your consideration. First, since Father’s Day was Sunday, he offers the Top Ten Verses About Fathers. His top verse is quite instructive for all of us. Second, Scott offers a question from his older brother, Doug and his reply concerning distractions in worship. Doug, by the way, is a friend of mine from the Niceville, Florida church of Christ and one of our great staffer’s at Indian Creek Youth Camp.

Deliberate misrepresentation of an opponent’s argument, position or reasoning is a common dishonest debate tactic. Christian Courier offers a reply to evolutionists who try to paint Bible believers with false charges. I think you will appreciate reading Wayne Jackson’s comments at False Charges Against Creationism.

Continuing on the evolution/creationism discussion is an article from Kyle Butt at Apologetics Press. Kyle writes about yet another “celebrity fossil” find that supposedly links humans to primates. Of course, it does not and the mainstream scientific press is attacking the alleged find. Read about the “messy link” at their website.

My good friend Joey Sparks has moved his blog and is now on the WordPress platform. I’m glad he made the move because I am very partial to WordPress. There is nothing out there that even comes close. Anyway, check out his blog at Joey Sparks: Relaying Spiritual Inspiration.

Here’s a report on a great project to train future church leaders. Steve Higgenbotham writes about very young men who are beginning early to study leadership and prepare for a lifetime of service.

Thanks for reading and visiting!

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