Tag Archives: roundup

Wednesday Blog Roundup

lassoGood morning readers and welcome to the Wednesday blog roundup. We try to present you with a variety of blog articles for your consideration each Wednesday. Here is your selection for this week. Of course we always warn that these are articles written by people and should be viewed against the backdrop of Scripture. Where the article clashes with Scripture – choose Scripture.

Marshall Keeble was preacher of the Gospel who, in his 90 years, baptized over 40,000 people.  Continue reading Wednesday Blog Roundup

Wednesday Blog Roundup

Good morning everyone and thanks for reading. Here is the Wednesday collection of article postings for your reading enjoyment. While I generally agree with the articles I post here I do not necessarily agree with everything on some sites. Use your knowledge, discretion and wisdom as always.

Our first post is from Mike Ratliff at Possessing the Treasure. I am unsure of Mike’s religious affiliation although he strongly supports reformed theology which is a form of Calvinism. Nevertheless he offers a fine article on those who oppose Bible teaching, especially those of the so-called Emerging Church Movement. His observations of their tactics and methods is quite accurate. His article is called Self Righteousness and Accusing the Brethren. Our friend Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier has a brief article on the subject of the Emerging Church at his site. ApologeticsIndex has a lenthy series of articles on this movement which is rearing its head in many places.

Neil Richey suggests that we Double our Failure Rate at his Preacher with Wings site. He really has an excellent point.

Last Wednesday we enjoyed a powerful period of prayer at Eastern Shore. Jeremiah Tatum has some pointers for improving our prayer life. I think you will profit by reading this article and applying his suggested pointers.

Here’s a fresh look at the gospel invitation issued at the end of sermons and devotionals. A point for the hearers and one for the speaker. Faughn Family of Four did a fine job with this article. Let me add one thing to what he writes. Please don’t use the invitation song as a time to leave early. I can imagine no reason to disrupt the congregation by shuffling out as people are contemplating their soul’s destiny. Is that extra 3 minutes really that important? Who would leave a football game just as time was running out and the kicker was about to try a field goal to win the game. Come on people – wait a couple of minutes.

That’s the roundup and we hope you enjoy it. Your comments are always welcomed!

Wednesday Blog Roundup for September 23, 2009

Hello again and welcome to our weekly roundup of interesting blog articles from across the ‘net. I hope you find these interesting and encouraging. Always remember that while I do recommend the individual articles I do not necessarily recommend the entire site. Most are fine but use good wisdom and spiritual discernment as always.

Dale Sadler is a marriage counselor who has a timely article about so-called emotional affairs. These do not involve physical contact (at least not at first) but can still be a destroyer of trust. In this article Dale answers the question, What If My Spouse Won’t Acknowledge His Emotional Affair. Of course we hope you are not in such a situation but if you are this might help.

Neil Richey continues to blog even though his wife is in the hospital Continue reading Wednesday Blog Roundup for September 23, 2009

Wednesday Blog Roundup for September 16, 2009

keyboardLet’s begin the Roundup with danger this morning. Here’s a brief, thought-provoking post from my good friend Joey Sparks. He calls it “The Most Dangerous Three Letter Word.” You may have other ideas and Joey has left the comments section open.

Joe Palmer has a group of article on a terribly dangerous item among us. He writes on alcohol and offers some serious considerations for the Christian. Begin with Why Not Drink” and move on to answer the question, “Does the Bible Forbid Drinking Alcohol.” I think you will appreciate these articles and a couple of other similar articles on the subject. Joe also has a take on insurance – stupid insurance. You will know what he’s talking about and can add a little something to your day by reading this article.

Adam Faughn has moved his blog to a WordPress platform which is a big plus. Visit his new site at Faughn Family of Four. Adam offers us some thoughts on Children and what children can learn. He mentions that children can learn to worship and I strongly agree. Don’t pull the children out of worship because that is how they learn. From my perspective behind the pulpit a disruptive child is of no concern. Take them out, correct the behavior and bring them back.

Scott McCown is busy in  his office in Oakman, Alabama with a new post he calls Top Ten Human Relationship Tips.” See if you can add a few in your life.

That’s going to wrap it up for this week. Be sure an attend worship services or prayer meeting tonight. The rest of your week will go so much better!

Wednesday Blog Roundup for August 5, 2009

Yes, we have been slothful in posting our Wednesday blog updates. One of these days I am going to pop for a card for the laptop that will let me access from anywhere. But truthfully, much of my time lately has been spent in places where even a card to access  the internet via cell would not have been helpful!

Nevertheless, here’s our catchup edition of the roundup. We have some links on doctrinal issues, encouragement and an important link about an international treaty with terrible consequences for families.

Continue reading Wednesday Blog Roundup for August 5, 2009

Wednesday Blog Roundup – July 8th, 2009

We missed the roundup last week but are back now with some great articles.

First this week is a report from Christians in Honduras. As you know that country is on  the brink of war and internal chaos. Christians are being impacted by the events there. Brotherhood News reports on the Christians there and their situation. Please pray for their safety.

Have you ever wondered if faith really makes a difference in daily life? Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier reports on recent research and argues that a person of faith is better morally than someone who is not.

Giving is always a ticklish subject. It is commanded by God but some people grow angry when we preach on the subject. Certainly a local congregation can go a long way toward improving the attitudes of members by being open in reporting expenditures and discussing various areas of work. This is one area an eldership ought never be secretive about. ((Of course privacy should be respected toward specific benevolent recipients and in the area of individual contributions.))I said all of that to introduce Jeremiah Tatum’s article on giving methods. See which grouping you fit into.

Apologetics Press has a studious article about prayer in the schools and about efforts to constitutionally restore the right of prayer. This is a fine article which examines a very current issue before the U.S. Congress.

Joe Palmer from Better Life found an anonymous article that he has posted at his website about the world and the church. It is sobering to think of the truth in this article.

Adam Faughn has a thought provoking look at what we do while we are preparing to baptize someone into Christ. It’s worth nothing that every congregation seems to be a little different in their approach. But this will give you something to think about.

We will wrap it up with a top ten list from Oakman, Alabama and Scott McCown. He offers the Top Ten Children’s Questions to God. It will make you smile – guaranteed or I will give your money back!

That’s it for this week. Enjoy and give God all the glory!

Wednesday Blog Roundup – June 24, 2009

Welcome to our weekly roundup of excellent posts from Christian bloggers across the internet. We hope you will enjoy our selection this week.

Scott McCown at Morning Drive has two articles for your consideration. First, since Father’s Day was Sunday, he offers the Top Ten Verses About Fathers. His top verse is quite instructive for all of us. Second, Scott offers a question from his older brother, Doug and his reply concerning distractions in worship. Doug, by the way, is a friend of mine from the Niceville, Florida church of Christ and one of our great staffer’s at Indian Creek Youth Camp.

Deliberate misrepresentation of an opponent’s argument, position or reasoning is a common dishonest debate tactic. Christian Courier offers a reply to evolutionists who try to paint Bible believers with false charges. I think you will appreciate reading Wayne Jackson’s comments at False Charges Against Creationism.

Continuing on the evolution/creationism discussion is an article from Kyle Butt at Apologetics Press. Kyle writes about yet another “celebrity fossil” find that supposedly links humans to primates. Of course, it does not and the mainstream scientific press is attacking the alleged find. Read about the “messy link” at their website.

My good friend Joey Sparks has moved his blog and is now on the WordPress platform. I’m glad he made the move because I am very partial to WordPress. There is nothing out there that even comes close. Anyway, check out his blog at Joey Sparks: Relaying Spiritual Inspiration.

Here’s a report on a great project to train future church leaders. Steve Higgenbotham writes about very young men who are beginning early to study leadership and prepare for a lifetime of service.

Thanks for reading and visiting!

Wednesday non-Blog Roundup

Once again, something little different for you this week. I am offering a look a Bible study resources on the web. Some you may know, some maybe not. I hope this helps. If I miss something just add it in the comments.


A good Bible search tool is important. When I began preaching we used a concordance; it was a 20 pound book that listed words and where they were found. A typical concordance was limited to a single Bible translation and only one word at a time. Phrases were an impossibility. No more.

I have often used Continue reading Wednesday non-Blog Roundup

Wednesday Roundup

Many good posts this week for your consideration. We’ll start with Eddie Parrish‘ site The Fire Within. He’s doing a good job and already has a number of comments which is good for a new site. Be sure and visit him.

Steve Higginbotham at PreachingHelp.org has really dressed up his site using a clean, attractive theme. Of course a clean theme without content is useless so Steve has provided us a nice reminder of what money really can and cannot accomplish.

Scott McCown continues to work hard to populate his blog with new and interesting posts. Here’s one that is sure to make you stop and think. Read Top Ten Imitatable Characteristics of Satan. It will wake you up and maybe even frighten you a bit. Keep it up Scott!

Licensed counselor Dale Sadler writes about anger at his site, In Search for More. This article reminds us that anger needs to be dealt with in a productive, healing way. Consider what he has to say in Flying Plates & Plumetting Anger.

Do We Feel Guilty for Being Saved is the intriguing title of Richard Mansel’s post at ForthRight. He addresses the sense of guilt that some push upon the church, namely the change agents. This blog has numerous posts by a variety of Christian authors.

The Great Flood of Noah’s day is held as the reason for the sudden death of certain fossilized remains in Montana. Kyle Butt of Apologetics Press notes the scientific reason for their death fits the Biblical account. Read Dinosaur Fossils and a Flood.

I appreciate Jeremiah Tatum and his article on beverage alcohol. It’s victims are almost numberless but our culture still upholds it as a an important part of adult life. See what you think after reading his observations at The Mocker on his Ancient Words blog site.

How to Become A Member of the Lord’s Church is the title of Neil Richey’s article at A Preacher With Wings. Is there a more important question?

A new blog for us today is Truth & Repose written by Drew Kizer in Leeds, Alabama. This post that I introduce you to is from a different view than what you might expect. Drew talks about the use  of poetry in the Scriptures and why it is important that we have some understanding of it. The name is Why Poetry Matters. This post actually supplements an earlier post called Line Breaks in the Bible. I’d recommend reading both. We’ll be adding Drew to our blogroll here at Preacher’s Study Blog.

We end today with an older article – from 2005 – written by Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier. This post is titled A Subtle Argument for Bible Inspiration. Wayne is an excellent scholar himself but draws upon the work of many noted academics in preparing this posting. It’s an old one but then some things never change.

So that wraps it up for the week. Have a great day and remember to thank God who gives us every good and perfect gift!

Wednesday Blog Roundup

keyboardThere are probably well over a million blogs on the internet. Some are whimsical and light hearted, some are personal reflections on the day, some are commercial and other deal with very serious issues such as health and finance. There is a subset of serious blogs that address spiritual matters. Within that  group is a small but growing body of blogs written by members of the Lord’s church. I offer you here a quick roundup of current articles worth your reading: Continue reading Wednesday Blog Roundup