Tag Archives: Eastern Shore church of Christ

First 2010 Sermon

Is there a better way to start the New Year than by assembling with God’s people on the first Lord’s Day of the Year?

This Sunday morning we will consider how to Begin With Jesus. Using John’s account of Jesus calling his first disciples (John 1:35-51) we will see some important characteristics for every Christian to possess. We may not have all those characteristics yet, but we can work toward them.

Sunday night we will do the reverse. We will End With Jesus. Have you wondered what will happen at death? When you breathe your last, what will happen to you? We will try and answer some of those questions by studying Luke’s account of the Rich Man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31.

We meet at 9 for Bible study (come early for coffee) and we worship at 10 AM and again at 6 PM. You are always welcomed at the Eastern Shore church of Christ in Daphne, Alabama

Are You Ready for Sunday?

Prepare now for the Lord’s day tomorrow and commit to being present in our Bible studies and in our worship services. This is a time when all believers can assemble together and praise the Lord through the fruit of the hearts and lips. Your presence will help make the service better and you will encourage others by being present.

Sunday morning our message is entitled Heart Attack! from Mark 7:14-23. We view the heart as the seat of our emotions but it can also be the seat of much trouble and stress. We can keep our hearts in good working order. On Sunday night we continue our discussions about the nature of the church. Our title is, “Who Owns the Church?” It may seem an easy answer but in practice it can sometimes be a struggle. Come and hear the word from Acts 20:28.


The article is a little different this week in that it is not really an article at all but instead is just some random thoughts about things we are doing at Eastern Shore. Years ago I had a short rambling in every bulletin but with our growth and the increase in activities there is no longer room. Since we have had so much happening this summer I thought I would take the article space to comment. I hope you don’t mind.

Jonathan and Susan Ling have done a great job with our Vacation Bible School this summer. Since June they have directed our young people in thinking about the various fruits of the spirit from Galatians 5. Puppets, crafts, games and Bible studies have marked out their time every Wednesday. Of course they have had much help from others at Eastern Shore who have assisted to make our efforts especially good this year. For the adults our summer series speakers have done an outstanding job. The elders had us stretch a bit this year Continue reading Ramblings

Speaking in Muscatine, Iowa

I am blessed to be in Muscatine, Iowa this week to teach the adult class for their Vacation Bible School and then to preach for them on Sunday. I was with the brethren there some years ago and was warmly received by them. I look forward to seeing them again. I also have a string family connection in Muscatine. My cousin Clyde Evans and his family are all located in that area so I will get to see them soon.

Muscatine is a small city on the banks of the Mississippi River just opposite Illinois. There is a rich heritage in the area which I hope to sample while there.

I will return Sunday night to Birmingham, Alabama where I will rejoin my family for Indian Creek Youth Camp in Walker County, Alabama. I will be working with Clark Sims to run the camp for almost 250 campers, counselors and staff. This is our sixth year and I am sure it will be the best!

Later this summer I will be in Tuscaloosa, Alabama speaking at the Cottondale church of Christ. I travel to Guyana to teach in the Guyana Christian University in late September, I speak on the Summer Series at the Robertsdale church of Christ in October and then I am scheduled in a lectureship in McMinnville, Tennessee. It’s a great deal of traveling but I look forward to every opportunity. Please keep me in your prayers.

Michael Shepherd

Michael Shepherd, from the Westside church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida feed us well last night as he discussed the perfect redemption of God. Michael spent most of his time in Isaiah 53 and emphasized that Jesus suffered for us at Calvary. We had a fine number in our adult class and many in our Wonderful Wednesday’s VBS for the young people. We appreciate Michael making the trip and we appreciate Westside for giving him the time to come and be with us.

A Grand Day

The Bible teaches that we are to give honor to those deserving of it (Romans 13:7). In the Old Testament, we are told to honor the aged (Leviticus 19:32). Elders who rule well are worthy of double honor Paul says (1 Timothy 5:17).

The Eastern Shore church was able to honor one of its own today when, at the very end of the morning service, we presented John and Helen Chupek with a plaque and flowers in honor of their years of service at Eastern Shore and in honor of their dedication to the church generally.

Ed Hudson, one of the elders at Eastern Shore noted the steady hand with which John had helped guide the congregation through difficult times. Our newest elder, Bill Jordan, explained how John had helped him in his early days at Eastern Shore by visiting

Afterwards, John and Helen were surprised with a fellowship luncheon in their honor. Upon learning of the meal, Helen declared “Why I didn’t fix a thing!”

The two were presented with kind thoughts, prayers and cards thanking them for their service and dedication.

John and Helen aren’t going anywhere. We expect to see them always at the services of the church working just as hard as they ever did.

Thank You John & Helen

Who would have thought that a girl from east Mississippi and a descendant of an east European family could have joined together and made such a great combination and created such a great impact upon the Lord’s church in Baldwin County, Alabama? Such is exactly what happened when Helen Curtis met John Chupek. Today the Eastern Shore church of Christ honors these two fine Christians for their years of labor in the Kingdom of God.

John’s background was typical of many immigrants to this country. His parents spoke almost no English and John grew up speaking Czech. At that time, atheism was the faith of many from east Europe and so John had little in the way of a church upbringing. Helen however, enjoyed a deep faith in God which she displayed to Johnny. Over time, John would come to see the reality of her faith in the practice of her daily life. It was this demonstration of the Lord’s love that eventually caused him to consider and finally submit to Jesus Christ.

John was a hard working man, having labored long in the farming fields of Baldwin County as a youngster. He discovered a talent in auto body repair and before long found himself with his own auto body shop in Fairhope. By his side was his trusted wife Helen who handled the books. Through much hard work and a solid reputation for honest, reliable work, John and Helen prospered. Two children would bless the marriage with the auto body business eventually passing to Son, Sid. Sid would also work hard and would see the business to grow to three shops throughout the county. Today, a third generation continues the body shop work through Grandson Chad, the President, and granddaughter Kandi. More importantly, their entire offspring have been raised in the body of Christ.

While growing his business, John and Helen were also growing their faith. Faithful in attendance at the Fairhope congregation John eventually became an elder. It’s not exactly clear when John first served but it was at least as far back as the 1970’s. As time passed and the area grew, John and Helen played a central role in planting what is today the Eastern Shore church of Christ in Daphne. John has served this congregation as an elder and finally, on October 5, 2008, resigned from the eldership.

As fellow-elder Scott Kelly observed when reading John’s resignation to the congregation, “no man serves as an elder alone.” Certainly he was right. John has enjoyed Helen’s steadfast support throughout his years of service. She has served alongside John as a frequent ladies Bible class teacher, a oft counselor to young ladies, an organizer of various church events and even took responsibility for the cleanup of the church kitchen. John likewise has served as a teacher, a leader in worship and for a very long while undertook the job of cutting the grass at the church. He has often given his abilities in various areas of repair and maintenance at the building. No job has been too small or too insignificant.

I recall with joy my earliest days at Eastern Shore. John and I would meet on Thursday mornings to go and visit. John and Helen kept a small notebook with the names of those they visited so that no one would be left out. Truly, these two fine Christians served out of a sense of love for every member. While we are saddened that Johnny will no longer serve as an elder, we know that his and Helen’s love for the Lord is not lessened. They will still be among the first to arrive and will always have a special place in our hearts. God will grant unto them the eternal reward but we will make do here with a sincere “Thank You” for all their work. We are where we are because of people like John and Helen Chupek.