Tag Archives: Trump

5 Reasons to Pray for Trump-Kim Nuclear Summit

Readers know I’m not much for politics, especially as it pertains to the church. But there is an event happening this week that Christians should be in fervent prayer about. U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean President Kim Jung Un are meeting to discuss the reduction of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula. That is a big deal.

During my youth, we worried about a nuclear conflict with the Soviets. In truth, it was pretty unlikely. Both sides were balanced, and neither could hope to escape a devastating counteroffensive. The aptly named policy was Mutually Assured Destruction. As strange as it sounds that policy kept the peace for decades.

It is different now. Small nations like North Korea or Iran have the capability to launch nuclear weapons against us and our allies. While the US could surely destroy any attacking country, that is irrelevant to the larger issues of good and morality.

On August 6, 1945, the United States detonated a nuclear device in battle. Within seconds of the explosion, tens of thousands of people ceased to exist. Thousands more would die in coming weeks and years from the effects of radiation. Three days later a second attack on Nagasaki was launched. Close to a quarter of a million died in the two bombings.

We must earnestly pray for the success of the Trump-Kim summit so that no one ever faces a nuclear blast again. Here are 5 reasons to pray.

1. Prayer for Leaders is Biblical

Paul wrote, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Jesus said, “Pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28).


2. Nuclear Weapons Are Not Precise

It may be true that modern missiles can deliver a warhead through an open window a thousand miles away but the blast is uncontrollable. In fact, the actual power of the warhead can only be estimated until detonation.

After the initial blast, a massive firestorm will rage for days and will destroy areas far beyond ground zero. Fallout from the explosion will cover many miles with deadly radiation.

3. Civilians Suffer More

Modern war has proven that civilians suffer greatly from hostilities. Even a “small” exchange would kill thousands of unprepared, unprotected, and unexpecting non-combatants. Remember the bombs dropped on Japan were rudimentary, low-yield atomic devices which produced only a fraction of what modern thermonuclear devices yield.

4. Children Suffer Most

Maybe adults are at least benignly culpable for the acts of their government. Our history shows the good that can happen when a population throws off an oppressive government. But what about the children?

Children and vulnerable populations will suffer and die disproportionately in any such conflict. Humane populations cannot ignore the effects of war upon the weak and defenseless.

5. The World is at Stake

Look at a map. The superpowers are all present. North Korea is bordered to the northeast by Russia. China shares a border to the north and west, South Korea, with thousands of US troops border the south. Only a tremendous outpouring of restraint would prevent that “small” conflict from growing into a World War.

Even without Russian and Chinese involvement, Seoul, South Korea stands in the middle of American technology development and production. Extraordinary economic upheaval will occur in the wake of a nuclear conflagration.

A moral people will seek to eliminate the threat of nuclear catastrophe. Whether you like President Trump or not, pray for success in this mission. Peace avoids all the aforementioned troubles. We must pray for a true peace that protects all men.


Expectations of President Trump

President Trump White HouseMuch ink (and electrons) has already been spilled discussing our new President. I don’t intend to re-plow those fields. He is your President and that is all there is to be said. I do want to talk about our expectations, especially the expectations of our conservative readers. It worries me that we have set the bar so high that only disappointment can follow. We expect too much from an election. Some have clearly taken a break from sound Biblical reasoning to vacation among the rejoicing voices. Let me explain.

President Trump Is Not Our Savior.

Donald Trump is a moral failure. To be sure, he may not be as bad as the other choice but there is no way that his behavior can be excused. Especially his claim that he does not forgiveness and therefore as never asked God to forgive him. We could add many other failings to that but John Piper has already done a fine job in an article he calls How to Live Under an Unqualified President and I’ll not duplicate his work further.

It is possible that the Trump administration will do much for our nation but he is not our savior. Jesus alone is. We all know that but it seems our enthusiasm gets the best of us. You can sure support him but not think he will solve all of your problems.

The United States Is Not Our Hope

Many of us have been troubled by the direction of our country. Unending wars, legalized sexual immorality. abortion, and a system that rewards the lazy have given plenty of angst. We desperately desire a better place to live. But our hope must not be based on our flag. Our hope is in the Lord. I suspect most of the things listed above will continue regardless of who is in office. If we center our hope on the flag we will surely be disappointed.

The sweet opening line of the old hymn says “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” The psalmist says, I will hope in your word” (Psalm 119:81). Paul reminds that in Christ “we have set our hope” (2 Corinthians 1:10). Peter says we have been “born again to a a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3). No where do the Scriptures tell us to place our hope in our nation.

Jesus Christ is our Hope and Our Savior

We can expect that the Lord will always be true to his covenant promises. He has an unbroken track record of truth. His word is truth (John 17:17). Unlike the President, he has no moral failings. Unlike our nation he can deliver redemption that leads to salvation. His work is not temporary but lasts forever. The Christian needs no inferior view of redemption nor failed expectations. Let us keep our vision focused on Christ.

One wonders why we talk so much about politics and so little about faith. Why do we pray for soldiers and not for Christians who suffer horribly for believing that Jesus is the Son of God? I recently heard a prayer in worship in which the brother prayed and prayed for our leaders and soldiers. Then, as a 15 second afterthought, he prayed for the church. It is not that ought ignore our country or our leaders, indeed the Bible teaches us to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-4). I just suggest we reconsider our own expectations and priorities. Our kingdom is the kingdom of heaven!

What are your thoughts? I would love to hear your thinking. Please leave a comment.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @J_Bryant_Evans.