Tag Archives: VBS

Thoughts on the Poor

We enjoyed another great evening of VBS with a fine lesson from Ray Reynolds

Ray Reynolds speaks to our adults.
Ray Reynolds speaks to our adults.

of the Gulf Shores church of Christ. Ray spoke on Solomon’s advice regarding the poor. I think we all profited from his comments and will hopefully be more attentive to those whom Jesus regarded so highly. It may be that many of us, already so blessed by our Father, actually look at the poor ith some contempt. Ray reminded us that our task is to serve and assist when possible. People may find themselves impoverished for many reasons not all of which are their fault. Let us serve them as Jesus did.

Jerry Brown teaches the youngsters in VBS
Jerry Brown teaches the youngsters in VBS

While the adults were studying in the auditorium, our youngsters were learning in the fellowship hall. Jonathon Ling has done a fine job coordinating our summer-long VBS which comes to an end next Wednesday.

We especially thank all of our youth and adults who have given so much to make this a great summer. We sure hate to see it end!

Next week, our youngest will review the summer teachings from Jesus’ parables. Our youth will head to an event at the Regency church in Mobile.

Summer on the Eastern Shore

We do Vacation Bible School a little differently at Eastern Shore. Instead of a week of VBS we do our VBS every Wednesday night during the summer. At the same time, we conduct our Summer Series for the adults with speakers from around the area. This summer the adults are studying The Wisdom of Solomon: Lessons from Proverbs. The youth are helping to teach the younger children kate the Parables of Jesus. This format helps the children grow and helps our youth mature and gain experience with teaching. By preparing our youth now, they will grow and be far more likely to remain faithful to their Lord as the years bring difficult challenges and obstacles their way.

Most recently, we studied the story of the Good Samaritan. In addition to the usual lessons, puppet shows and such, the children went outside to act out, in a fun way, the story of helping your neighbor.

In this photo (below, left) one of teachers, TR Clevenger helps them carry an “injured” man to safety. Since we had no donkey, we had to improvise. Nevertheless, the children learned the importance of helping all people, not just those who are similar to you.good samaritan

Of course, VBS just would not be complete without singing! Our song leading for the children has been led by our own youth. As you can imagine we have reached back to the old standby favorites but some new ones have been introduced as well.

The Bible teaches us that singing is not about entertaining. We are to teach one another through our songs (Colossians 3:16) as well as offer praise to our God. We ensure that the songs actually have a message such as “I’m All Wrapped Up, I’m All Tied Up I’m All Tangled Up in Jesus” which you see the children singing below.wrapped up

You are cordially welcomed to come and spend some time with at VBS. Every Wednesday through August 6, 2008. We have classes for all ages from infants to adults. You would be our honored guest. We begin at 7 and finish up about 8:30 each evening.

VBS is far more than just fun and games. It’s a chance to learn more about our Creator and how we can better serve him. The memories from VBS will last a lifetime. Is there really anything more important than giving your children a positive lesson in an encouraging environment that centers on Jesus Christ? Of course not. I’ll see you tonight!