Tag Archives: Indian Creek Youth Camp

What Camp Cannot Do

Christian youth camp is an unparalleled spiritual event for young people. Thousands travel to camps across the world every summer to spend time with other, like-minded youth while growing their faith. A Biblically sound camp is far superior to band camps, football camps, or scout camps. I’ve been involved in camps or retreats for almost 50 years as a youth and now as an adult. They simply cannot be beaten. Every year at the camp I attend, dozens respond, asking for prayers and desiring baptism.

Despite the impact of Christian camping, there are some things that camp cannot do.

Camp Cannot Stop Temptation.

Temptation is the bane of every disciple’s existence. From Adam and Eve until today, temptation attacks every believer. Even our Lord himself was tempted (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13). If Jesus can be tempted, surely we are vulnerable too. Nevertheless, we know that temptation is not the same as sin. Jesus was tempted but without sin (Hebrews 4:15). Paul reminds us that we are not forced to sin (1 Corinthians 10:12, 13). Sin is a choice that arises from temptation. James says it this way: our desires produce temptation, leading to sin and then sin leading to death (James 1:14, 15). We can avoid some temptations but not all of them. Without a doubt, our campers are tempted once home. Camp strives to encourage and give ways to avoid sin, but it takes continued encouragement from the family and the church.

Camp Cannot Make a Christian

During my days at Freed-Hardeman, I served on the dean’s disciplinary committee. I observed many students sent to a Christian college to “be fixed” by the school. Likewise, troubled young people are sometimes sent to camp for spiritual repair. Camp cannot, in a week, undo 51 other weeks of spiritual neglect by parents and local churches. Hear me, parents! Children need 24/7/365 spiritual nourishment. Christian camps and youth ministers can never substitute for godly parents. God’s best method of turning children into faithful adults is the faithful example of parents. Camp is a small, albeit important part, of their growth.

Camp Cannot Make a Local Community

There is something special about youth camp. It’s either hot or rainy, dusty or muddy. Showers seem to be optional for some. To get to camp, you travel to the end of the earth, past the last cell tower, jump off the edge and then turn right. The singing is heavenly, and the Bible study excellent. For a week, we are all part of a unique, sequestered community. But we all need more. The local congregation must be a community of believers involved in one another’s lives. Youth must never feel like they are fringe elements. They are workers for the Lord, just like the rest of us. Help them to grow into greater roles in the church.  We will answer how we aid the young in their maturing lives.

I am a believer in Christian camping, but it cannot do everything a young person needs. Parents are essential to the growth of their children, as are other local church members. This generation faces a level of worldly confusion and chaos with which we did not have to deal. Despite their vulnerabilities, which are many, our young people are among the finest I have ever had the privilege to work with. They are struggling to stay afloat; they need our help.

Why We Camp

Last week 38 from Eastern Shore spent the week in the woods of Walker County Alabama at Indian Creek Youth Camp. It rained almost every day, temperatures hovered around 90 with humidity readings near 100%. 11 of our 38 were adults who volunteered their time to shepherd a total of 148 children. It was fun and uplifting but still a challenging week. Eastern Shore had an especially good showing at camp and provided a significant number of the counselors and staff.

But the question still remains: Why did we go? What was so important that we put band and football on hold for a week and took time away from work to go to camp? Is it really that important?

Christian Camping Provides an Important Retreat

Children face a difficult grind in the everyday world. They are surrounded by images and sounds that argue against strong Christian values. The constant pressure from Satan affects our youth despite church efforts to the contrary. Our children need a break from the world.

Following the assassination of John the Baptist by Herod, Jesus tried to withdraw to a desolate place (Matthew 14:13). In Mark 3:7 Jesus withdrew from the crowds and took his disciples with him. Sometimes we need a little break.

Christian camping takes youth and adults away from the world and allows time to work on the important business of building relationships with others Christians.

Christian Camping Builds Lifelong Friendships

Ask any of our youth and they will tell you of new friends made this year and many old friends from the past. Campers come from across the southeast and find love and acceptance from people they would otherwise never meet. There is a sense of camaraderie among campers that will last for a lifetime.

Parents often anguish over their children’s friends. They worry about peer pressure and bad influences that impact their children. These are valid concerns. Of course, not every person your child meets at camp will be a positive influence but most are. They struggle with the same pressures our youth face and can empathize with their struggles. These friendships give strength to their faith and support for those days when our youth feel so alone.

Christian Camping Builds Faith

At the heart of our work is faith. Every activity is designed to help establish, rebuild and renew the faith of the camper. We actually spend hours every day in direct Bible study and worship. Campers sing with voices of angels the old songs and the new worship songs. Their hearts are opened to the truth of God’s word and sound counselors, preachers and teachers fill them with a love for God, for his Son and for the Bible. Our sole aim is to build faith. We are fully aware that some campers will return to homes where Jesus is not uplifted and where God is not honored. So our time with them is precious.

Many campers choose the lofty environment of camp to become Christians. Their time with Christian friends and Bible study helps them to make that great decision. I am confident that some are Christians today because of their time at camp and probably would not be otherwise.

This congregation, Eastern Shore, is a strong supporter of Christian Camping and reaps the benefits. Be sure and find a camper today and ask them about their week. Find someone who did not attend and encourage them to go. It will only lift them higher!


Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.


Worship at Indian Creek Youth Camp

The Value of Christian Camping

Worship at Indian Creek Youth CampWhy would 60 grown men and women take a full week of their vacation to travel to Indian Creek Youth Camp in the hills and hollows of West Alabama with 190 children? Why would these normally intelligent people leave the comforts of their own beds to sleep on thin mattresses inside a small cabin that doesn’t even have running water? Why would adults, accustomed to the comforts of daily American life give up their nice, master baths to use a concrete block bath house that sometimes has no hot water?

It’s for the kids! Continue reading The Value of Christian Camping

Indian Creek Youth Camp

Indian Creek Youth Camp, Clark Sims week, is now over. What a great week in Walker County Alabama near Jasper, Alabama and just north of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 253 people were at the camp for the session that ran Sunday through Friday. 11 were baptized and 31 rededicated themselves to their Lord.

Clark Sims, preacher for the Cottondale Church of Christ, does an outstanding job bringing people together from across the Southeast to worship, study, play and grow as Christians. This was Clark’s 7th year and I hope he has plenty more ahead.

I am exhausted at the moment but will post more with a few pictures tomorrow.

Indian Creek Youth Camp – ICYC – 2010

Indian Creek Youth Camp begins for us today. Although Sunday is the official start date for Clark Sim’s week, we will leave today to get setup. We are expecting upwards of 250 people this week which will likely make it the largest week we have had. I know it will be a great week.

Campers from all across Alabama and some from Florida will join us for a week of fun, foolishness and recreation as well as plenty of Bible study and faith building. Located in rural Walker County, Alabama about halfway between Northport and Jasper, the camp is among the nicer camps within the churches of Christ. The young people will come and build friendships that will last forever. It is a blessing to have a small part in that work. I salute Clark for his dedication and the hours of work he puts into the camp week. He is the magic!

Keeps us all in your prayers as we travel. We plan to be home Friday afternoon.

ICYC: Better Than Ever

I make my living with words but today I find it difficult to express just how great Indian Creek Youth Camp really was this year.

Clark Sims begins planning this week at least 6-8 months in advance. He has handpicked a staff of assistants and counselors that is second to none. At 252 campers, this is the largest week during the camp season. This year, 29 young people put on their Lord in baptism and another 25 rededicated their lives to Christ. Among those responding were our own, Anna Isenhower and Travis Purser who were both baptized into Christ. Anna Lloyd asked for prayers and was restored.

Travis Purser (L) and Anna Isenhower were baptized at ICYC
Travis Purser (L) and Anna Isenhower were baptized at ICYC

Our activities included a thorough study of Colossians with speakers each morning and each evening taking a passage from the book for their text. Campers studied Colossians in age-divided classes and in their teams in preparation for Bible bowl.

Teams participated in sporting activities and in wacky games. Congratulations to TEAM ANDY for their victory in the team competition.

Some underestimate the importance of Christian camping. As part of a year-long youth strategy, a week at camp will stand as one of the greatest moments in any child’s life. Lifelong friendships are established at camp and are renewed year after year.

The 2008 Eastern Shore ICYC group
The 2008 Eastern Shore ICYC group

Many campers will stay in touch with each other throughout the months. Camp allows a youthful network to build.

By weeks end we were all tired and dirty but were renewed in our faith. Next year will be even better as we build on our record-setting year.

Thanks to all the staff and to those parents who took vacation time to make this a great week.

Planning for next year begins soon. Tell us what you think about camp!