Reaching the Unreachable

You know someone that needs Jesus. Their life is a mess and chaos reigns every day. You fear their eternity yet they slumber through life with little thought for the Lord and his salvation. Can this person be reached? Are they beyond the love of God? Should we surrender?

The Love of God Extends to All

Sacrificial love flows from God’s throne. Every action Jehovah has taken is targeted toward the salvation of lost men. He is driven by love. The death of Jesus was the evidence of his love (Romans 5:8; John 3:16). That love was directed toward sinners who live in rebellion against his glory.

It is inconceivable that God would offer his only son for those who despised him. Yet that is exactly what he did. Jesus authored salvation for the lost (Hebrews 5:9). All men are called to redemption by God (John 3:15, 21; 1 John 2:2; Acts 17:30, 31).

 Rejecting Jesus is Rejecting Salvation

God has called men in many different ways over the ages. But now, he seeks men through Jesus alone  (Hebrews 1:1-4). There is no other way to salvation except Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Rejecting Jesus is the same as rejecting salvation. It is a personal choice, allowed by God, with astounding implications.

During his ministry, Jesus was rejected by many. John 6:66 has disciples deserting Jesus because of difficult teachings. Jewish leaders rejected him just as prophesied centuries before (Isaiah 53:3). Some people have, and will continue to, reject Jesus to their own detriment. Scriptures teach that many will follow broad paths to destruction (Matthew 7:13).

Surrender is Not an Option

Although many will die shaking a fist of rebellion at the Father we must not give up. Our task is to go and preach (Matthew 28:18, 19; Mark 16:15, 16). We work together with brethren and God gives increase through his word (1 Corinthians 1:6). So even in the face of apparent defeat, we press on. One may wonder how often Paul thought of quitting and retiring to a quiet place to worship in his later years in peace. But he did not, nor should we.

When people reject our message of salvation we understand that they are rejecting God – not us. Samuel found Israel’s demand for a king other than God to be repulsive and he took their demands personally. But God reminded him that the people were rebelling against heaven (1 Samuel 8:7).

Reaching the Unreachable

Actually, no man is unreachable. Contrary to some teachings, God calls all men and does not desire the destruction of any (2 Peter 3:9). We must not faint in our effort (2 Corinthians 4:16; Galatians 6:9). We press on and save those whom we can.

A man may reject your words and overtures of love but he cannot overlook a life of God-filled joy and glory. We begin by living the life that is worthy of our place with God (Ephesians 4:1; Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; Revelation 3:4).

Next, we watch for opportunities and we seek openings to share the power of Christ. Jesus, through John, told Philadelphia that he had set an “open door” before them (Revelation 3:8). We must watch for those doors and be prepared to quickly walk through before they close forever.

Never give up, always press forward and always be prepared!

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at You can follow Bryant on Twitter @jbevans.


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