Tag Archives: Apologetics

Dawkin’s Delusion

Richard Dawkins, the ranting atheist of Oxford University who embarrassed himself with an thoroughly illogical examination of the existence of God in “The God Delusion” has given an empowered reply to Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier. Jackson has been an opponent of Dawkins and his foolish ideas. Take a look at this post with Dawkins comment and a quick review of an important book which assails the thinking of the professor.

Which Books Belong in the Bible

The question of canonicity is an important question which has been discussed for thousands of years. Most recently the success of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code has brought the question to the forefront of religious discussion. Simply put, how do we know that the 66 books that make up the Bible are the right books? Could there be some left out? Maybe some shouldn’t be in there in the first place. Some believe that the books the comprise the Bible are the result of cloistered men arguing over the politics of the day and finally crafting a list of accepted books. What role does tradition play in all of this?

I considered a series of posts on the issue but for now decided to defer to a fine article penned some years ago by Dr. F. Furman Kearley. Titled “Which Books Belong in the Bible” we commend to your reading. As Kearley says, it is only a summation of a deep and rich study.

I Am A Christian Because God Exceeds My Expectations | 20 reasons

Have you ever though of what you expect from God?

Some people see God as a magical genie just waiting to grant some wish to his “master.” They expect God to be at their beckon and call. Of course others expect God to be an angry old man just waiting for you to step out of line – kind of like your old elementary school principal from back in the day. I’m not sure either one of those fits my expectations.

Truthfully this isn’t something I have really considered until just recently. But I do have some things that I have thought of which seem to be Biblical. Let’s see what you think.

I Expect God to be Much Smarter than Me

That seems like a truism but I’m just not sure everyone would agree with that. It’s so common that we try to out-think God. Have you ever heard someone say something like: “I just can’t figure out why God would do so and so.” Maybe, “It doesn’t seem fair that God will do this or that.”

Job couldn’t figure out why God seemed so angry at him and why he suffered so terribly. God really set him straight didn’t he? Continue reading I Am A Christian Because God Exceeds My Expectations | 20 reasons

The church of Christ Before the Restoration

It is generally held that the churches of Christ, as we know them today in this country, arose from the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. [cref 271 Thomas and Alexander Campbell] were major influences during this period along with many others. Some have wondered where the church was during those years from around the 4th century AD until the 19th century. It is a good question and deserves a good answer. Continue reading The church of Christ Before the Restoration

Baptism What-If’s

The importance of baptism is sometimes assailed through the use of what-if scenarios which are designed to provoke an negative emotional response to the study of baptism. Our current discussions with a baptist preacher has produced at least one of these. He writes:

If the water pipes broke and the baptistry was bone dry, would my salvation have to wait until the plumber showed up? If I were to die before then, would I go to hell? If obedience to water baptism is the means of forgiveness of sins, then I would.”

Another comment sometimes heard is:

“What if a man is on his way to be baptized and he is in an accident and killed. Surely he is not lost is he?

Such comments have nothing to do with what the Bible teaches but is an attempt to belittle Scripture by applying man’s reasoning and man’s emotions to the discussion. Nevertheless, we are prepared to give an answer to this question. Continue reading Baptism What-If’s

Must One Be Baptized by an Elder?

One of the more interesting claims asserted by our denominational friend is the idea that the churches of Christ teach a  man must be baptized by an elder or preacher of the churches of Christ in order to be truly saved. He puts the question this way (emphasis his):

If a “Church of Christ” elder refuses to baptize me, will I be lost until I can find one who will? Do I need Jesus AND a Campebllite [sic] “preacher” in order to be saved? If I do, then Jesus Christ is not the only Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) and the Holy Spirit is not the only Administrator (1 Cor. 12:13) of salvation – the “Church of Christ” preacher is necessary to salvation for he is performing a saving act on me when he baptizes me! Is this not blasphemy against Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost?

Our friend is sorely confused. Continue reading Must One Be Baptized by an Elder?

Are Members of the church of Christ “Campbellites?”

As we continue our refutation of the accusations of a baptist preacher we turn now to a term that he uses in his article. He uses the term “Campbellite” to speak of members of the church of Christ. Some have never heard such a term as it hasn’t been used in decades.

The term is a pejorative or derogatory term intended only bring reproach upon those who worship among the churches of Christ. It is simply childish name calling Continue reading Are Members of the church of Christ “Campbellites?”

Is the Name “Church of Christ” Scriptural?

This is the first in a series of lessons offered in response to a denominational preacher who has violently attacked the church. I will begin with his statement and then respond below. Comments are welcomed from all.

“Why does the “Church of Christ” insist that their name is scriptural when it cannot be found anywhere in the Bible? The church is referred to as the “church of God” eight (8) times in the Bible, but never is it called the “church of Christ.” The verse they use is Romans 16:16, but it doesn’t say “church of Christ.” Where does the Bible call the church the “church of Christ”?

The Bible does use the term “churches of Christ” in Romans 16:16. The singular form is typically used by individual congregations.

At the time Paul wrote his letter, Continue reading Is the Name “Church of Christ” Scriptural?

Giving an Answer

Peter declares that we must be prepared to give a defense of our faith to everyone who asks (1 Peter 3:15). It is in that spirit that we begin a series of posts to defend certain scurrilous accusations made by someone unknown to me but posted on the internet. His web page asserts that  “a church of Christ preacher cannot clearly answer” his points. I intend to answer each point from Scripture and disprove that claim.

I suspect, although I do not know, that the writer has had a bad experience with the church. The incendiary nature of his comments Continue reading Giving an Answer