Tag Archives: Sin

The Forgotten Sin

I get it. Nobody likes to talk about sin, but sometimes we need to. The turmoil of the 21st century has obscured our view of sin with the result that there is now The Forgotten Sin.

Some sins seem to reach out and grab us by the collar. The in-your-face wickedness makes us angry. But, in our rush to combat the assault of these wicked thoughts and ideas, we have created an unbiblical hierarchy of sins. We spend all of our time talking about the “bad sins” but fail to address the “lesser sins.”

Some years ago, a public health professional told me that the extraordinary emphasis on HIV-AIDS was hiding the serious nature of older sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea. In her words, we have lost control of syphilis and gonorrhea and will never get it under control again. I wonder if we’re in the same situation with sexual sin.

We know sin separates us from God. But, what sin? Aren’t some sins worse? In Proverbs 6:16-19, Solomon says “hands that shed innocent blood” are an abomination to God. In that very same list, he says that “haughty eyes and a lying tongue” are also abominations to the Lord and are things that the Lord hates. But surely lying isn’t as bad as murder, is it?

Any sinful behavior, no matter how trivial it appears to us, is deadly serious to God.

In our rush to oppose homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion, we have forgotten “routine” fornication and adultery. In Galatians 5:19-21, Paul begins his list of sins with sexual immorality; it’s right there in the same list with idolatry, sorcery, drunkenness, and orgies. Paul says that people who do these things “will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

What exactly is “sexual immorality?” The underlying word, porneia, is a very broad word in Greek. It speaks to any illicit sexual activity. Sexual intimacies not ordained by God are sinful. This word includes fornication, adultery, and homosexuality. Yet today, our world assumes that people in a dating relationship are, in fact, having sex. Culture’s greatest concern is whether the sex is consensual and whether the couple has used protection against disease or unwanted pregnancies. There is no concern for the sinfulness of such a relationship. The forgotten sin is sexual immorality.

Let me be clear: sex outside of a God-approved marriage is sinful. Hebrews 13:4 says it is the “marriage bed” that is undefiled. Paul calls us to “abstain from sexual immorality” (1 Thessalonians 4:3). Those words should speak to you, Christian. Let your life be a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1). Your Lord loves you more than you can ever imagine. He wants what is best for you. If we hear his words and abide in his teachings, our life now will be much better. Our lives in eternity will be indescribable.

The world is awash in every imaginable sexual sin. Let the Christian remain pure and holy before his maker.

Are People Good?

Are people good? Are they inherently virtuous? Why does it seem that some people are good and honorable while others are dishonorable and even evil? As expected, there is a Bible answer.


Humanity began in Eden. The Bible tells us that as part of God’s creation week, he created the human species. Most importantly, they were created in his divine image. They were image-bearers of the creator (Genesis 1:27). He told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:26-31). It is evident that they obeyed this command, for in Genesis 4, two sons have been born to the first couple. A third son is born at the end of the chapter. By the end of Genesis 5, 10 generations from Adam and Eve are recorded.

On the 6th day of creation, as God prepared to rest from his work, he looked upon the totality of his creation. He declared it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). According to the biblical record, only two humans were alive when God declared the goodness of his creation. There is no evidence of any evil in the world, and there was certainly no sin. This is critical. Mankind was very good when created. Inasmuch as there was no evil in the world, we may conclude that the original couple was pure, sinless, and thus very good.

Unfortunately, something very bad was about to happen in the very good world.

Disaster Strikes

We do not know how long this sinless state continued in Eden, but by the time Adam was 130 years old, sin had entered the world with catastrophic consequences (Genesis 5:3).

A choice was given. Adam and Eve could obey God, or they could disobey. Their choice? Disobedience. God had placed two unique trees in the Garden of Eden: the tree of life of which man could freely eat, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was this last tree that mankind was forbidden even to touch. The presence of those two trees provided a choice for Adam and Eve.

All was well in the garden until Satan entered in the form of a serpent (Genesis 3:1). He immediately questioned God’s authority and even called God a liar. He tempted Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. She surrendered to the temptation, as did her husband, Adam (Genesis 3:6). We must emphasize that neither Adam nor Eve was compelled to eat the forbidden fruit. It was their choice. Because they chose to disobey, they suffered the consequences of their action.

Much of this chapter focuses on the consequences of their sin. Adam must now work harder, Eve will suffer pain in childbearing, the serpent is cursed to crawl upon the ground and eat dust, and Satan will be crushed by one who is yet unborn (Genesis 3:15). But the greatest consequence is not revealed until the end of the chapter. God banished man from the presence of the tree of life (Genesis 3:22-24). On that dark day in the long-ago, man’s spirit died when he was separated from God, and the process of physical death began as well. Because man could no longer eat from the tree of life, his body began to age and break down, leading to physical death.

The horrible aftermath of the sin in Eden is seen in Genesis 4. The very next generation, the son of Adam and Eve, Cain, worships improperly, then rises up against his brother Abel and kills him. Even more deadly violence is recorded in verses 23 and 24. The horrific picture of murderous rage is painted in the boldest of colors immediately after the sin in Eden.

What happened?

There was only one way to sin in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve found it. All the joys and pleasures of a perfect world lay before them. But they threw it all away by succumbing to temptation.

Here is the problem for the modern world: Sin was once contained at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But once touched and consumed, sin was set loose in humanity. The very name of the tree explains its dangerous contagion. It opened their eyes and gave them knowledge of sin, thus making them guilty and subject to punishment (Genesis 3:7). The first parents would then spread the influence of sin to their children, who would spread it to their children, and so forth. Sin spreads when we are influenced to choose wrongly.

Sin is not in our DNA. We are not sinful because some ancient ancestor sinned (Ezekiel 18:20). We are sinful because of our choices. Now the upshot of this argument is that people are inherently good. We become evil when we surrender to evil influence.

The real man, the authentic man, is made in the image of God and is, therefore, very good. When we sully the image of God that we each bear, we become evil. Our goal, achieved through Jesus Christ alone, is to find and reclaim the holiness that once defined God’s creation.

Authenticity calls for a return to the original condition seen in Eden. It is not defined by what our corrupted hearts and minds tell us it is. The dark ruler of this world wants you to find pseudo authenticity in anything but the image of God.

We are like a people swimming in a putrid river of sewage. Our world and our culture are corrupt. Sin is everywhere. We are influenced to sin through others, the media, and especially social media. Like those swimming in the festering river, we must not grow weary and must press to reach the other side. To stop swimming means certain death. To surrender to evil temptation means certain death.

Do not give up but continue to search for the inherently good spirit God has placed in each of us. Yet, none of us are strong enough to reach the other side of that river without God’s help. God’s grace empowers us to reach the other side of the river and to return to the authenticity of an image-bearer of God

Yes, people are good.

boy in school

21 Dead in Uvalde

boy in school

21 are dead in Uvalde, Texas. 21 people died in a convulsive act of madness. We ask why. Pundits on the news shows recycle the usual explanations and politicians pontificate. All this as 21 coffins are readied for burial.

While news reports focus on everything from unlocked doors, and assault rifles, to slow response times, there are outlets that are starting to consider the fundamental reasons behind a barbaric attack. The correct understanding of why school shootings occur will also explain why violence and chaos are rising across the land, not just in schools. It’s an answer that some will not like. It will drive them insane, but it is still true.

Evil is real.

Raw, festering, bloody evil, is real and stalks humanity. Evil is neither a concept nor a vague idea, it is a real, malevolent being called Satan.

“…He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44

Genesis 3 introduces Satan when he encourages Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. He lies. He tells her that she will not die even though God has plainly said otherwise (Genesis 3:1-4). Too late the first couple discovers his lies. They have sinned and they are separated from God. He has banished them from the Garden of Eden and driven from the Tree of Life. They are dead men walking. In the next generation – among their own sons – Cain kills his brother. Satan the liar. Satan the murderer. From that moment our world has been sucked into a vortex of sin, evil, chaos, and lawlessness. Today our culture is upside down. An inverted world where people “call evil good and good evil,” where they put “darkness for light and light for darkness” and “bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).

Good is real

To acknowledge the reality of Satan is to acknowledge the reality of pure goodness and love that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Creator. Without a standard of good, there can be no measure of evil. Therein is the problem. Our world wants to be free of evil but rejects good.

You and I, as individuals or as a community, are powerless against the god of this world. Alone we cannot “fix” the evil thoughts and motives that find their way into people’s hearts. Such powerlessness is why Jesus came into the world. He inflicts the fatal wound on Satan (Genesis 3:15). He brings light into the darkness (John 8:12, 12:46). He leads us in victory (Proverbs 21:31; 1 Corinthians 15:57) and makes us more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). In the end, Satan is the loser (Revelation 20:10). The wicked may reign now, but their time is coming to an end. Satan will be successful in finding some who will blame God for the Uvalde, shootings. Forgive them for comments made in the depths of grief and lamentation, but God is not to blame. Only Satan.

nothing new under the sun

Nothing New Under the Sun

nothing new under the sun

Solomon said there was “nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). He was right in so many ways. A comparison of 21st century American culture closely resembles ancient biblical days. Recently, I was struck by a story in the Old Testament book of Judges, chapters 17 and 18, which closely mirrors our secular society. I’m sure you can add even more to the analysis.

Nothing New Under the Sun: A Moral Malaise

The book of Judges recounts difficult years in the lives of God’s chosen people.

And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.

Joshua 2:10

God rebukes the Israelites, through his angel, in Judges 2:2. The angel says Israel has not obeyed the voice of God. Then in verse 10, we read of a new generation of Israelites who did not know the Lord. Succeeding generations would experience spiritual highs and lows. Eventually, Israel seems to have become more like the surrounding nations than God’s holy people.

In Judges 17, we read of a family marked by serious moral failings. A man steals from his mother. When he hears that she has uttered a curse against the thief, he returns the money. In her joy, she devotes a portion of the stolen money to the Lord. Sadly, she instructs that the money be used to craft an idol god. Her son creates a shrine to the idol God in his own home and appoints his son to be a priest. Later, a real Levite priest arrives at the man’s home and accepts employment for his room, board, and ten pieces of silver a year. He was comfortable in that home until a raiding party entices him to go with them. The pursuit of money and power drives this so-called priest.

There is nothing new under the sun. Moral collapse marks our society to such an extent that people no longer think anything of it. Crime within families, confusion of Godly worship with worldly worship, preachers who craft their preaching for the highest bidder confirm a wayward, secularized world. Our world is broken!

Nothing New Under the Sun: An Estrangement from God

Israel’s up-again-down-again relationship with God would eventually collapse. Enslavement by pagan nations would barely improve Israel’s dependence on the Lord. By the time of Jesus, the Jewish King was an Idumean. The priesthood rotated among the favored sons of the High Priest. Even the sacred Holy of Holies was empty; the Ark of the Covenant was gone. The religious leaders opposed and killed the prophesied Redeemer.

This estrangement finally brought an end to Biblical Israel. Roman armies overpowered the Jews in 70 AD and destroyed the last Temple. Judaism, existing from Sinai (Exodus 20) to the time of Christ and beyond, was ended.

When will our society face its 70 AD? When will judgment fall upon us as it did Israel? One thing is clear: Any nation that forgets God is doomed (Psalm 9:17; 50:22; Jeremiah 18:15). We are not different. Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun.

Despite being founded on some Godly principles, our culture has drifted from God. But remember that culture, society, and the nation are composed of individuals. We have slogged through sin until we no longer recognize righteousness. Like Israel, we will drift further and further from truth.

The greater question is how we got here. There are two answers. We have failed to study our Bibles personally, and we have failed to teach the Bible to our children. Until we correct these two deficiencies, we will continue to spiral downward toward destruction.

The Endorsement of Sin

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

Our culture is confused. That which is evil is called good despite the clarity of Scripture. We have become a society that endorses sin and silences righteousness. We elevate the opinions of entertainers, athletes, and politicians while denigrating the timeless words of Jesus. The Prince of Peace is invoked in support of warfare. How sad, how terribly, terribly sad!

I am told that we need more military actions while others call for a retreat.

I am told that we need more money flowing into the markets while others say we should spend more on social programs.

Others claim that we need a more tolerant attitude toward aberrant sexual behaviors while still others call for them to be ostracized.

Here are two simple thoughts to battle the confusion.

We Cannot Endorse Sin

Sin violates God. Joseph was seduced by Potiphar’s wife. As he contemplated his actions he declared “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God” (Genesis 30:9)? Notice, the sin was not against Potiphar, not against Pharaoh, not even against Potiphar’s wife or even his won body. The sin could have been against God! This is so important. Sin is not about breaking faith with another person, nor is it about violating some social norm. Sin assaults the very character of God.

God did not sacrifice Jesus for society. Jesus died so that individuals could be reconciled to God (Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; Ephesians 2:14-16; Colossians 1:19-22). We are not reconciled to the latest Twitter trend or the most current Instagram post. We are reconciled to God. Such reconciliation is required because we have offended the perfect holiness of the Creator. We are broken and must be fixed.

We must not endorse that which God is trying to defeat. We cannot support the evil that required the death of Jesus.

Trends tend to move us in different directions. It often depends upon who we are with and the environment. A Christian must remain strong, stable, and unmoveable, in his thinking and actions (1 Corinthians 15:58). Do not be led about by fancy, new ideas that are not Godly. Seek the Lord’s approval and not that of your friends and culture.

We Must Promote Jesus

Jesus holds the ultimate answers. Because those answers are not what we want to hear, we reject him. We turn from his way to the world’s way. This is a disaster. War, conflict, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, greed, poverty, homelessness, suicide, are all evidence of the emptiness of societal wisdom. Imagine the world without all of those horrors. Imagine a world where Jesus ruled in the hearts of men. Can you see it?

We will never see such a world unless his followers tout his glory for all the world to see. Christians must speak louder and more often than the purveyors of sin. Our voices must rise above the static of culture.

Disciples of Christ carry his message wherever they go (Matthew 28:18-20). we reflect his glory into the world. We share his truth. Like a newfound medicine for cancer, we seek to share the cure for sin with all.

Suicide is a horrible end to a helpless life. Why is anyone helpless? Why is anyone devoid of hope? I know it sounds simplistic, but if Jesus were fully in the life of society there would be little suicide. People would not be hopeless for they would be filled with hope eternal. No one would be helpless for people would reach out, serve, and help, one another.

Jesus makes all the difference!

What Happened to Your Anchor

Granddaddy loved to fish and he was good at it. I grew up about a mile from his house and had a permanent fishing buddy. He had a small john boat with an electric trolling motor mounted on the stern. It was a small lake and gasoline engines were prohibited. He kept two homemade anchors in the boat. He’d crafted them from paint cans filled with cement. A metal hook protruded from the top which was attached to a nylon rope. We would ease up to a known bed of bream, gently lower the two anchors and fill the stringer with all the fish we could handle. Those were great days.

But some days the wind was too strong and despite the paint-can-anchors we would be dragged away from our fishing spot. Even sadder, culture is being dragged along because we have weak cultural anchors.

The results are obvious. Sin is no longer an issue. Every possible desire is to be accepted regardless of the impact on self or on others. You cannot say someone is wrong. People are more self-centered and demanding than ever before. What I want is more important than what someone else needs. Jesus is lost among the reality stars, ballplayers, and politicians.

What happened?

No Anchors

About a third of respondents report attending church serves weekly, a third report monthly or yearly attendance and a third report seldom or no church attendance (Pew Research). These numbers are pretty consistent across the past 10 years and accurately reflect my surveys among college students. Attendance is a piece of religious life and is not the total package. But it is probably the single best measurement of the value of the Bible in forming individual values or core beliefs.

Some people have no anchor at all. They are carried along with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14) and are tossed about like a wind-driven wave (James 1:6). They often do good, very good things to help others but they have no single core against which they check and analyze their ideas and motives. Their morality is subject to change with the culture. Their morality is an opinion. What they believe to be wrong today is possible right tomorrow.

Lightweight Anchors

Many people have a foundation but it is not sufficient to steel them against the challenges of the world. Peer pressure is an incredible wind that can do either good or ill. A person who is not well grounded will drift. Jesus calls on us to be unmoveable.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Cornthians 15:58).

We labor to remain sound in a world where we are encouraged to be tolerant and accepting. Instead, let us be loving enough to challenge the errors of modern thinking. What does it say about us when we watch another person slide into sin?

Broken Ropes

Some folks had an anchor that was strong and unmoveable but somehow allowed their connection to that faith break. It’s sad because you remember that anchor and truly miss it. You feel lost as you slip further and further into a worldly culture. What can you do?

I run across people who sometimes remark that they used to be members of the Body of Christ. They were active and involved but not so much anymore. “What happened?” we ask. “I don’t know. I guess life happened. Marriage, kids, work demands, all took their toll. Before we knew it, we were out.” That is probably an honest statement. Our faith must be cared for, repaired when damaged, and always checked for weakness. Once the rope breaks it can be hard to repair.

Sometimes, a boat with a big anchor can help secure one that is drifting, If you have a strong faith, watch for those who struggle. Paul said to “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). Even people you do not like, need your help. Peak at the Old Testament command in Exodus 23:5. Paul said the people with bog anchors have a responsibility to people whose anchors are weak (Romans 15:1).

The only way to stop our societal drift is with big anchors. It’s time to stop complaining and get to work. The wind is blowing hard!

Searching for Sin

sinDaddy always told me that I should not look for trouble. He said it would find me if I weren’t careful. But today, I am looking for trouble. Specifically, I am searching for sin. I am not looking to commit sin, but I am curious if sin still exists because, from what I hear lately, it has been eradicated. Like smallpox, society has mounted an effort to destroy sin. Seemingly, the world has been successful.

Lying is no longer sinful. It is now described as “advertising” or “politics.” Sexual sin is now “an alternative lifestyle” and is presented as one choice among many. Murder is a “woman’s right.” Greed is “success.” Immorality is opinion. Sin is no longer part of the conversation.

This is troubling because God still speaks of sin. Jesus’ blood still lingers beneath the old rugged cross because of sin. Just because society has banned sin, it does not mean that God’s word has suddenly fallen silent. It has not.

Sin occurs anytime we violate the glory of God. It happens when we transgress God’s will. We sin when we do not reflect his beauty to the world around us. Defined in such broad terms, it is not surprising that we often sin (Romans 3:23, 1 Corinthians 15:34, 1 John 1:8). When we understand the extraordinary purity of God, we begin to see just how far we miss the mark. We are not God. We are nowhere near the virtue of God. Thankfully, God extended himself to us in Jesus Christ who reconciles us to himself (Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; Colossians 1:20-22).

But how can a man be reconciled when he rejects the very premise of sin?

Our world wants to be comforted. Society seeks affirmation that all is well. The Bible speaks of people who have “itching ears”  (2 Timothy 3:3-5), who conspire against the good word preached by God’s people (2 Chronicles 24:20-22; Jeremiah 18:18), and who desire soft words of comfort and not condemnation. Sadly, many teachers have bowed to society’s demands and no longer preach truth but instead offer words of ease to a people in need. It is as if a man with undiagnosed cancer visits his physician and is told that all is well. He is comforted all the way to his grave! We ask the world, do you want comfort or truth? Cure or complacency?

Is there any truth in the world for you?  Can good and evil be distinguished? Where would you draw the line? Does anything go?


The Greatest Consequence: Death

Every one of us is where we are today because of choices made yesterday. We are successful in business because of decisions made previously. We are, likewise impoverished because of choices made in the past. No one stands where he is solely because of another. We have made choices which produce amazing blessings or profound consequences. It is the law of sowing and reaping as found in Galatians 6:7:

“Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

Every action carries with it a set of consequences or blessings. There are no neutral actions. Sometimes the consequence is slight. For example, a man caught speeding might receive only a warning. No penalty, just good advice to slow down. Other times the result might be catastrophic, like when the same man, failing to heed the warning, speeds headlong into stalled traffic killing himself and others. We do not choose our consequences; only the path toward those results.

There is a consequence more catastrophic than death; worse than causing the death of others. That is the consequence of sin.

Like billions today, Adam and Eve probably saw little harm in tasting the delicious looking fruit hanging from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They had been warned. Still, the fruit looked so good. Maybe they thought, “could it really be that bad? It’s just a piece of fruit!” It was that bad. The first couple stood at the precipice of the greatest consequence of all: The consequence of sin.

Mankind suffered immeasurably for their “no big deal” decision. Genesis 3:16-19 announces the following consequences of their sin.

  1. Women would now suffer in childbirth,
  2. Women would be subjected to the authority of their husbands,
  3. Man would struggle to bring forth his crops from the good soil of the earth,
  4. Man would no longer keep the garden; he would labor in it all the days of his life.
  5. Man and woman, the entirety of humanity, would be banished from God’s garden and from before his presence.
  6. An innocent man, Christ Jesus, would have to suffer and die in consequence of their actions.

The greatest consequence was death which entered the world on that dark day. God banished mankind from the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:22-24). That is why you stand before the open grave of loved ones. It is why we keep watch over loved ones as they breathe their last. It is why we all fear that 2:00 AM telephone call or knock on the door. Death is now among us.

Actions have consequences. The consequence of sin was and is, death.

Jesus came to bring us out of the dread of sin. “For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6:33). And again, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

There is not that much you can do about a speeding ticket. But you can set aside the greatest consequence which is sin. You can know the lifegiving love of the Savior. He who suffered death himself, brings life to his people.

Comments are open and always welcomed!


Church Division

Eight years ago we penned this article to address division within Christendom. Now, in 2024, it is at least as bad, and probably worse than when we first wrote.

Church division was bad then and is now. It is never good. It follows discord, discontent, poor fellowship and sin. While it may be necessary to remove the disorderly  from  fellowship (1 Corinthians 5:1-2; Romans 16:17; Matthew 18:17 ) the roots which caused that removal are sad. Like surgery, division may be necessary but it is never good.

Paul addressed church division as the first issue in his letter to the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 1:10 ff). There, people were beginning to group themselves together based upon favorite teachers or leaders within the church. There is no indication that the leaders themselves were involved; one was Jesus himself ( 1 Corinthians 1:12). However Paul disapproved of the brethren separating themselves into groups. Paul asked the rhetorical question, “Is Christ divided” (1 Corinthians 1:13)? The obvious answer is “no.” While the apostle does not give many details about the division in Corinth, we can distill several reasons for division today and then seek to avoid those problems in the church that Jesus died for.

Church Division is Caused By Sin

Division erupts over sin. The first sin, in Eden, caused a division between God and His creation (Genesis 3:22-24; Isaiah 59:2). Man cannot be in fellowship with God or with other men if he languishes in unrighteousness (1 John 1:5-10) We mentioned three passages above in which sinful actions caused a person to be marked out or identified  (1 Corinthians 5:1-2; Romans 16:17; Matthew 18:17 ). A Christian persisting in ongoing, public sin may be removed from fellowship. Removal prevents the spread and acceptance of the sin ( 1 Corinthians 5:2; 1 Corinthians 5:6, 9). It protects the reputation of the church towards those on the outside, and it tries to draw the erring one back into the faithfulness (1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 2:6-11). Removing fellowship is a strong action that requires extensive prayer, study, patience, and interaction with the sinner. It is done with the awareness of our own weaknesses (Galatians 6:1-5; Matthew 7:3) and with love toward the sinner.

Church Division is Caused by False Doctrine

Why are there so many different churches and religious bodies in the world? It is because they all teach differing doctrines. While two denominations may be tolerant of their differences, they are still divided, and that does not please the Lord. Paul rebuked the church for divisions based upon favored leaders ( 1 Corinthians 1:10 ff) and for a myriad of worship issues that created divisions (I Corinthians 12:21-27;  1 Corinthians 11:17-22; 1 Corinthians 14:33). Doctrine is not the problem. Errant or wrong doctrine causes the problem. Any doctrine not based solely on the Bible is false.

The issues in Corinth were public issues. Sometimes a brother or sister may hold some errant teaching privately and does not promote it. New Christians may still carry denominational baggage when they enter the body of Christ. These people are to be taught and division should not come from their private thoughts.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at bryantevans.com. You can follow Bryant on Twitter @J_Bryant_Evans.

How Satan Works – Part 2

skoczekSatan is always busy, never sleeping, and always looking to ensnare men and women in his traps. Satan has been a liar and deceiver from the beginning and is purely evil. Thankfully, his works are restricted today because of Jesus. Nevertheless. Satan works to deprive men and women of eternal salvation through powerful influence exerted in many ways. One of his most heinous weapons may be closer than you think.


It is a horrible thought. Satan works through family members to attack the Christian. Our closest family can become tools of the evil one. Worse, I can become a tool of the devil to attack those I love the most. Remember, Satan knows no limit in his efforts to capture and destroy people. He will use any tactic, no matter how heinous, to enslave and condemn the righteous.

Notice the very first sin recorded in Scripture. Adam and Eve sinned because they ate of the forbidden Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths“ (Genesis 3:6, 7).

Please notice that Adam sinned when his wife gave him some of the forbidden fruit. He failed to protect her from sin and she enticed him to sin.

It was the unnamed wife of Job who tempted him to sin. Job was sorely oppressed by devilish curses and could find no relief. His wife had an answer: “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die“ (Job 2:9).

We must not overlook the spiteful Jezebel. She was the daughter of a Sidonian King and a worshipper of the idol Baal. She was married to Ahab, a Jew and the king over Israel. After she is introduced, we see that the King suddenly erects an altar for Baal and an Asherah (an idol worshipping tool). She would also seek to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:2) and she would connive, probably with Ahab’s tacit approval, to kill Naboth and steal his vineyard that Ahab coveted (1 Kings 16:29-34; 21:1-16).

The story continues until today. Husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, boyfriends and girlfriends often lure us into temptation and then into sin. Maybe we relax around people we trust. Perhaps we want to avoid an argument. Maybe we are already tempted and look for their tacit approval to sin. It doesn’t matter. We become agents of Satan working against the best interests of those we love.

How often have we seen weak spiritual lives harmed even more by a disinterested spouse? It normally not intentional but the damage is just as bad. Families are often the source of our greatest sin problems.

Jesus taught families to train children “in the way that he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). Surely we encourage our children to learn much about the world and to prepare for successful careers in adulthood. But why the emphasis on scholastics and sports but almost no emphasis on spirituality? People complain that our young people are leaving the church. They are quick to blame the preacher, the youth minister, and the elders. But the problem is usually at home. Parents who do not train their children are working for the devil. Harsh words to be sure but I think you will agree that they are true words.

Satan’s power is limited to how he can influence us. Do not give place to the devil in any way (Ephesians 4:27).