Tag Archives: personal

Old School: Lessons from My Daddy

Willis Bryant Evans, born November 28, 1921, to Arthur Lee and Roselle Evans. He was the third of three boys. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II and saw action in Europe, including at D-Day and at Bastogne, Belgium and the Battle of the Bulge. Upon his return to civilian life, he attended the University of Alabama but dropped out after two years. He began a sales career that ended with a very successful time as a new car salesman for Chevrolet. His parents were among the first Christians in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He would serve the church of Christ in Northport, Alabama as a Bible class teacher and deacon until his death in 1987. He was known as Mr. Evans, Clem, Bobo and the Big Tuna. I called him daddy.

I learned much from this wise man. I’d like to share some of that with you.

Pay Attention When You Shave.

Many mornings, dad would leave for work with small pieces of toilet paper stuck to his face. He’s cut himself shaving. Pay attention to what you are doing he would warn.

Good fathers teach their children about life. Our kids haven’t been down this road before, and we have. Despite the incredible level of intelligence many children possess, they are not always wise. They need a father to help guide them through the rough spots. Jesus had an earthly father who likely taught him about life. If our Lord needed a father in his youth, our children do too.

Pay Your Bills On Time

I will never forget daddy’s spiral bound notebook. Each month had a page, and on this page, he would record every bill as it arrived. When he paid the bill, he would circle it. He could tell you how much his water bill was from five years ago. You see, we were not wealthy, but we never wanted for anything important. When I got my first car loan, it was based only on his name. They didn’t even run my credit. In fact, the banker was not even there when I showed up. He left the papers with a note telling me where to sign. Why? Because he knew my dad.

The Bible teaches us that we should always be honest people (Matthew 5:37; Proverbs 6:1-5). We manage our money; not the other way around (1 Timothy 6:6-10). Good fathers strive to teach their children important lessons.

God Always Comes First

Daddy was sick for the last few years of his life and was hospitalized some. He couldn’t attend services. But I never remember a single time daddy missed services otherwise – not one. He was a picture of commitment and devotion to his Lord. If there was a gospel meeting, we were there every night. We attended on Sunday and on Wednesday for midweek Bible study. We went because it was a time to honor God and deepen our own knowledge of his word. Plus, we knew that there was extraordinary value in fellowship with God’s people.

Daddy’s dream was for me to preach the gospel. He never saw me preach fulltime, but he made sure I was prepared. Daddy died exactly one month before my graduation with a degree in Bible, but I assure you that today, he is with me every time I step into the pulpit.

I was blessed by such a great man as the leader of my family. His is a standard I shall never reach although I try. I pray that every father reading this will consider the vital marks of a great father and pursue them relentlessly. Our sons and daughters need fathers who are fully engaged in parenting. Are you?


I’m Trying Not To Be A Bubba…but…

Sometimes you just don’t fit in. That happened this afternoon when I tried to run into the hotel restaurant for a quick lunch. It was a fine restaurant I’m sure. I am equally as sure that it has never served grits with red-eye gravy and I know they don’t serve sweet tea. Of course I discovered none of the fine culture until I  had wedged myself into a non fat-friendly booth.

However, I did discover an illustration that I will share with you. The illustrated truth is that just because something looks good doesn’t mean it will taste good! Here’s the story.

Continue reading I’m Trying Not To Be A Bubba…but…

A Personal Note

Transparency is the buzzword in Washington these days so let me be transparent too.

Something happened this morning that has never happened to me before – never. It was a moment of personal humiliation that has likely scared me for the remainder of my life.

You must understand, I have traveled the world and stayed in all sorts of accommodations. From the world class Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. to a small mom and pop drive up in Vernon, Alabama. Beyond that I have been taking showers for almost all of my youthful 47 years. But this morning, at the Double Tree Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee, I met my match. I had to call the front desk and ask how to turn on the shower!

The Double Tree is a fine facility which has treated me exceptionally well through the years. I highly recommend it. But recently they remodeled and refitted their bathrooms with the latest in trendy fixtures. I must say it looks nice. But when I reached for the little knob to turn on the shower I couldn’t find it. I pulled and twisted the fixture to the point of almost pulling it out of the wall. I got down and looked underneath it searching for some button to puch or lever to flip. I then turned my attention to the shower head. It’s one of those fancy rain shower kinds. There was nothing there!

So, in my humiliation and with cheeks blushing, I called the front desk for my education. Yes, I got a shower. I cannot tell you the secret however for you must endure the suffering to be initiated into our Grand Order of the Falling Waters. Anyway, I need to see if Clark figures it out when he gets here.

So now I have been transparent with you. If I can just figure out who Wolfgang Puck is and why his name is all over my coffee maker and supplies I shall be happy!