Tag Archives: holiness

It’s So Hard

Nobody ever said righteousness was easy. No one ever claimed holiness was a breeze. The pursuit of godliness is probably the hardest thing you will ever attempt. What’s the old saying, “If it were easy, everyone would do it?”

Abraham struggled with honesty, as did his son, Isaac.

Noah got drunk.

David cheated with another man’s wife and then had him killed.

Peter was two-faced, and Paul was the foremost sinner.

It’s hard to do right. You may look at those guys and think, “Hey! I’m better than them!” Maybe. In some ways. But it’s not about us vs. them. It’s about Jesus and how well we mirror his image. That’s the idea, right? We are to be like him. Look at 1st Peter 1:15. Peter says, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.‘”

Even preachers struggle. It’s nice to preach about love, hope, heaven, and glory, all sound biblical topics. It’s much harder to talk about sin, repentance, and hell, but those are biblical too and must be a part of any preacher’s repertoire. Why? Because that’s part of living godly. because it’s as much of God’s word as the easy stuff.

Have you ever repaired or installed drywall or sheetrock? Turn out the overhead light and shine a lamp at a sharp angle onto the wall. The slanted light will reveal every flaw in your work. That’s like the Bible. Scripture makes us uncomfortable because it reveals our failings and shortcomings. It is a bright light on our imperfect lives.

“Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.”

Luke 12:3

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

“For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life”

Proverbs 6:23

On the other hand, the world calls gently to us, demanding nothing now but taking souls in the life to come. As Jesus said, Satan “is a liar” (John 8:44). His promises are sweet and pleasing to our ears. He tenderly convinces us that we are free to do as we please. His bite comes at the end, and we lose our souls eternally.

Consider Eve. Satan lied to her in Genesis 3:4. Look what happened.

Don’t forget. We are not alone in our pursuit of righteousness and holiness. Jesus walks with us daily – if we let him – and strengthens us in our battles. His power works in us to purify, sanctify, and consecrate us to his service (Philippians 1:6, 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 13:21).

No warrior ever walks alone. He is strengthened by training of those before, the memories of those who have fallen, and the spirit of his comrades. You are not alone. Jesus trains you through his word, has been here before, and walks alongside you today.

My purpose is to tell you not to give up. Do not surrender to your sinful desires. Reject the whispers of failure and inadequacy. Let those times of greatest temptation become times of greatest prayer and humility. Life is so hard. Lean on Jesus!

Another High Cost of Porn

no pornographyPornography is everywhere. It’s in advertisements for everything from automobiles to fast food. In fact, pornography is so common that many people have come to believe that there is no harm in it. However, pornography is extraordinarily damaging to society. Some experts believe that pornography may be one of the most prevalent mental health problems in America today. I’ll not bore you with a bunch of statistics, but it is clear that pornography affects most people you know.


Some of the effects of porn are obvious. Marital discord, self-esteem issues, and the objectification of women are commonly stated costs of pornography. For a few minutes let’s move away from the consumer of pornography and take a look at the producers of porn. Like the shady drug dealers who inhabit the corners of major American cities, purveyors of porn know that they have a powerful tool that brings them great income. Their cost of production is quite low. An inexpensive camera and a link to the Internet are all they need to begin making big money off of other people’s addictions.

But where do the porn models come from?

Are there really that many women willing to participate in sex in front of a camera just to make a few dollars? Probably not. We are beginning to learn that there is an especially dark side of pornography. An aspect of porn that is even viler than what we can see. You see, many pornography models are actually slaves. The Northwestern University Law Review in 2017 said it this way:

“the unfortunate reality of pornography production is that, often, the production of pornography is neither harmless nor consensual. Rather, pornography plays a unique role in fueling the human trafficking industry by both contributing to the demand for more traditional forms of sex trafficking and creating another route to profit for traffickers who enslave victims for the production of pornographic media.”

Read that middle line again, it says, “pornography plays a unique role in fueling the human trafficking industry…” Human trafficking is the 21st-century phrase for what the 19th century called slavery. Young women are effectively kidnapped by unscrupulous people and brought to this country where they are forced to participate in the production of pornography. Sometimes, these Third World women are promised a better way of life in America. And sometimes, they are brutally and violently kidnapped and forced to participate in despicable videos. To be sure, there are some women who participate freely and with a desire to make a few dollars and hopefully break into the entertainment industry. Among the problems associated with pornography, you cannot choose whether you are supporting women with free will or women who have been kidnapped from their homes.

The International Justice Mission works to rescue people from slavery. They work across the world to end slavery from forced labor in brick factories in India, fishing boats in Ghana, and from perverts who run porn sites on the internet. They say:

“Cybersex trafficking is a growing and devastating form of modern-day slavery. It involves the live sexual abuse of children streamed via the internet, set up by adults who receive online payments from predators and pedophiles located anywhere in the world. We have rescued children as young as 2 years old in the Philippines who have been sexually abused in their own homes, sometimes by their own families.”

In February of this year, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat it called for banning pornography. In his reasoning, pornography is a service that is bought and sold and therefore can be regulated or restricted. We agree. We do not impinge on anyone’s First Amendment rights. We do however regulate what they sell. [bctt tweet=”Does anyone doubt that our world would be a better place without pornography?” username=”Preachers_Study”]

Does anyone doubt that our world would be a better place without pornography? Surely the Christian knows that pornography has no place in his or her life. The Christian is called to be holy (Leviticus 11:44; 2 Timothy 2:21). Let us do all we can to fight this scourge.

I wonder what you think about pornography. Your comments are welcomed.

Tabernacle, Temple, Heart and Holiness

Eastern Shore profited greatly last night from a lesson from Dr. Randall Bailey of Faulkner University. In fact, Bailey knocked it out of the park with a lesson primarily from the Old Testament but with major New Testament implications. He demonstrated God’s holiness through his tabernacle instructions and his demand for holiness and purity through the associated affairs of the temple.

We were reminded that when the Temple was disgraced by Israel’s sinfulness and idolatry God left them to their own devices. When we come to see what holiness really is and what it demands we come to fear our own impurity before God. However we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus so that we can stand before him clothed in his righteousness.

It is a complex and rich subject which took us far beyond shallow sermonettes. If you were here – you grew. If you were not here – you lost out.