Category Archives: Apologetics

Militant Atheism

Militant atheists are in the news again. This subset of the larger God-denying population is not content to live in disbelief themselves. They need to attack those who do believe in God and in the concept of a higher being. In California a militant group is publicly tearing pages from a Bible on a public pier. They argue that the Bible contains immoral passages. It’s a curious charge. From where, exactly, do morals arise? From government? Ask survivors of the American slave trade how that worked out. From the international community? Do you really want the United Nations declaring morality while it includes leaders of terrorist nations on its human rights committees? Maybe from the individual perhaps? Sure, let everyone craft a moral standard that meets their desires. We have name for that: chaos. Morality cannot come from within man or even from within society. The existence of common morals points to a divine God.

Meanwhile, another militant atheist group says Christians and Muslims must be “eradicated.” To be fair, the writer added a postscript to his article after he was called on the carpet. He says he means the doctrines of Christianity and Islam must be eradicated. But again, to be fair to both sides, his rant is full of hate speech and it doesn’t take much imagination to conclude that he would be just fine without any Christians around. In an incredible part of his  writing he links Christians together with those who practice bizarre and fringe conduct in the name of faith.

As long as they are allowed to exist, we will continue to be inundated with accounts of buses, buildings, markets and abortion clinics being blown up, rape victims being murdered for adultery, wives being beaten (sometimes to death), airplanes being flown into buildings, people being tortured and sometimes beheaded for blasphemy, people being burned for witchcraft and sorcery and all the other horrific, inhumane and insane practices that are part of fundamental Christianity and Radical Islam.

Read the article for yourself and judge.

We must not respond in kind to these sorts of attacks. Instead let us proclaim loudly the love of Jesus Christ for all men and that salvation is offered to whosoever will come. Only by shouting and living love can we silence the hate speech of others.


Has God Surrendered?

It’s over. The battle has been fought. We lost. It’s true, science has finally beaten the Bible.

New Age spiritualist Deepak Chopra, a friend of Michael Jackson, Oprah Winfrey and an author of many self-help books has offered two pronouncements: Science has won over Genesis and organized religion is unnecessary. The Indian born American educated M.D. He opines:

I’m thinking instead of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution has proved victorious over the Book of Genesis and its story of God creating the universe in seven days. Since then, God has been found wanting when measured against facts and data. With no data to support the existence of God, there is also no reason for religion and science to close the gap between them.

I am afraid, sir, that you are just wrong. While opponents of the Biblical account of Creation like to suggest a victory they are short-sighted and over confident in their thinking. Despite all their pronouncements, the moment of Creation remains beyond their ability to observe or test. Without observation and without the ability to test and replicate those tests, science is powerless. At the very best, a scientist can offer educated speculation about the Creation but he cannot know that his imaginations are accurate.

In other words, and building on Chopra’s comment, there is no data to support scientific ideas of Creation. It cannot be seen, observed, tested or replicated. It cannot be known through science.

Somehow, people have elevated science to god status. Yet science is ever changing and can never offer a truly stable foundation for any eternal question. But the Bible, rooted in the truth of God, does not change. It is true that God changes his methods in order to deal with man appropriately in every age but He does not change nor does his truth.

Curiously, Chopra argues in the above article against the current attitude of science. He notes that researchers are today asking questions that sound more like religion than old style science. In this he is correct. Scientists of renown are beginning to ask the basic “how” and “why” questions. Their answers are moving many closer to the concept of intelligent design in which some knowledgeable force set the world in motion. Now, that’s still a long way from the God of the Bible but it is a start.

As to the question of organized religion Chopra notes in passing its passing from the scene:

Religion and spirituality didn’t go away just because organized religion has been losing its hold, as suggested by showing decades of  declining church attendance in the U.S. and Western Europe.

There is some truth in that statement. Church attendance is declining. But Chopra is trying to make the case for his brand of internal, isolationist faith which is driven by feelings. He uses the Bible to support his claim.

If God is to be found anywhere, it is inside the consciousness of each person. Even in the Christian West we have the assurance of Jesus that the kingdom of heaven is within, while the Old Testament declares, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Like many false teachers, Chopra does a fine job quoting the Holy Scriptures.  Satan knows the Bible (Matthew 4:5-6), can appear as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) and trembles at the presence of God (James 2:19). But the Bible teaches that he church was given by Jesus Himself (Matthew 16:18) and was bought and paid for by Jesus’ own blood (Acts 20:28). It is true that attendance is declining. But it is not true that people have found a better way. Instead they walk the path of emotion and navigate the trail of feelings. They indeed have a zeal without knowledge (Romans 10:2).

Chopra may have some good ideas about alternative medicine, I don’t know, but he is bankrupt when speaking of the divine path of salvation.

Should We Apologize for Jesus?

There is nothing like a good cathartic rant to take us into the weekend but I just need to say a few things. I am a Christian. I stand with Jesus. I will reject everything else for him. I will not be tolerant of anything or anyone if it means discounting or disrespecting my Lord in the least. I believe Jesus.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who believes in me shall never die…” (John 11:25-26).

I also believe there are false teachers (Colossians 2:16-23; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 2 Peter 2:1-3). I believe they may appear godly (2 Corinthians 11:14).

It seems that every time some politician or famous person says something about the exclusive nature of Christianity people insist they retract their statements. Culture tells us that we must not insist on Christianity as the sole path to God. Redemption, we are told, is not in exclusive to Jesus. Society allows us to believe in Jesus as long as we keep it to ourselves.

No more.

Like Paul I hold that all men will be judged by Jesus Christ (Acts 17:30-31). Like Peter and John I believe there is salvation in Jesus alone and there is “no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). There is no redemption for anyone who rejects Jesus. It is time for Christians to stop cowering behind their pews and pulpits and stand for and with Jesus.

Now then, I feel much better.

In the Beginning God…

The first verse of the Bible says a lot.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

God marks the beginning and ending of all we know. He was present at the first sunrise and will be the one to bring everything to an end. It’s hard to think about but God came before the beginning. He caused the beginning. Sometimes God is described as the prime force or the first cause. God alone is sufficient to be the first cause he remains outside of our Creation and far beyond our existence.

It was God who got to work and caused all that we know to come into existence. From the most basic elements of the periodic chart to the great mountains and deepest seas. From the frequencies that give us music to the complex laws of math and physics that govern it all. God is the Creator.

But his power is not raw or unbridled. He carefully directed into just the precise needs of mankind. And when it seemed that his anger would break through and destroy it all he restrained himself (Genesis 6:6-8; Deuteronomy 9:13-29). God’s power is not precipitous but carefully measured to achieve his own plans.

All that we know come from God. God is beyond full understanding for he is apart from our outside of our ability to study him. He is only knowable to the degree he reveals himself to mankind. In the coming weeks we plan to publish numerous articles about Jehovah God. We hope you will join us.

Jonah and the Whale Could Not Have Happened!

One of the most memorable Biblical stories is that of Jonah and the great fish found in the Old Testament book of Jonah. Almost everyone knows the story. But now we learn that it didn’t happen. That’s right. Some “experts” who also claim to be Christians have decided that the science rules out the possibility that a man could live inside a great fish for three days and three nights. Let’s think about this.

If the story of Jonah is not true, God did not create the heavens and the earth

We really cannot discount the story of Jonah unless we are willing to say that the Creation came by some means other than God. After all, it would be a small thing for God to cause a great fish to swallow a single man if he created all men.

If the story of Jonah is not true, Jesus was not raised from the dead

The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest event in Biblical history. Paul goes so far as to say that if the resurrection is false, our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:13-14). If God could not cause a man to live inside a fish for three days, he cannot raise Jesus. And if Jesus is not raised then why bother with our faith.

If the story of Jonah is not true, Jesus & God lie

It is God’s word that makes the claim of Jonah. If it is false, God is false and cannot be trusted. Likewise, Jesus speaks of Jonah in Matthew 12:40 (and other places). If Jonah is not real, Jesus is mistaken or a liar and if mistake or a liar he cannot be the divine God worthy of worship.

When we quickly submit to scientific analysis of spiritual claims we set ourselves up for failure. Science cannot answer the questions of the soul because such things are beyond the reach of their methods. If we must choose between a scientist or God I am with God. How about you?

Hawking Misses the Point About Science and God

Acclaimed physicist Stephen Hawking says God is not necessary. In a new book Hawking declares that a superior, divine being is not needed to explain the existence of the Universe. In the book he argues that creation can be explained by the presence of gravity. The story is at

“Hawking says in his book “The Grand Design” that, given the existence of gravity, “the universe can and will create itself from nothing,” according to an excerpt published Thursday in The Times of London.”

He continues by giving us a peak at what did actually cause the Creation:

“His answer is “M-theory,” which, he says, posits 11 space-time dimensions, “vibrating strings, … point particles, two-dimensional membranes, three-dimensional blobs and other objects that are more difficult to picture and occupy even more dimensions of space.” He doesn’t explain much of that in the excerpt, which is the introduction to the book.”

This is not a terribly surprising statement from a scientist given  the usual atheistic themes often promoted by some scientists. But it is notable because of the one who made the pronouncement. Hawking is not only an accomplished physicist respected among his peers but also a well known popular writer. Some will no doubt gain  Continue reading Hawking Misses the Point About Science and God

Book Review “The Case for Christianity” by C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis is a well known author who has penned many classic volumes on the subject of Christianity and Christian living. “The Case for Christianity” is perhaps his shortest book and is a very easy read. It is a nice introduction to this author as well as a pleasing read of the thoughts that flow from a former atheist.

The ten chapters reflect ten radio broadcasts made by Lewis while living in Great Britain. The [esvignore]56[/esvignore] pages are basically a transcript of those broadcasts.

The talks are divided into two sections. The first is entitled “Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe.” This is basically a beginners discussion of the moral argument for the existence of God. You can find deeper and more in depth discussions of this powerful apologetic elsewhere but for most people this book will provide a solid background on the basics of the argument. Let me say that in my judgment, the moral argument is at least as strong as the other two, namely the Cosmological and the Teleological arguments.

The second part is simply called “What Christians Believe.” Lewis tries to stay in the mainstream of Christendom and deliberately seeks to avoid some of the disagreements among the church and the denominations. He does a pretty good job. He will deal largely with the idea of a sacrificial death as a means for the redemption of men. He acknowledges that this seems to be an odd concept for the person outside of Christ. But he explains how the process makes sense to him as a reformed atheist.

Inasmuch as this is a very basic, foundational book on a subject of import to Christians; and because C.S. Lewis is a noted author and highly respected; the Christian should own a copy and read it. I highly recommend The Case for Christianity by C.S. Lewis to you.

Dawkin’s Delusion

Richard Dawkins, the ranting atheist of Oxford University who embarrassed himself with an thoroughly illogical examination of the existence of God in “The God Delusion” has given an empowered reply to Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier. Jackson has been an opponent of Dawkins and his foolish ideas. Take a look at this post with Dawkins comment and a quick review of an important book which assails the thinking of the professor.

Which Books Belong in the Bible

The question of canonicity is an important question which has been discussed for thousands of years. Most recently the success of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code has brought the question to the forefront of religious discussion. Simply put, how do we know that the 66 books that make up the Bible are the right books? Could there be some left out? Maybe some shouldn’t be in there in the first place. Some believe that the books the comprise the Bible are the result of cloistered men arguing over the politics of the day and finally crafting a list of accepted books. What role does tradition play in all of this?

I considered a series of posts on the issue but for now decided to defer to a fine article penned some years ago by Dr. F. Furman Kearley. Titled “Which Books Belong in the Bible” we commend to your reading. As Kearley says, it is only a summation of a deep and rich study.

I Am A Christian Because God Exceeds My Expectations | 20 reasons

Have you ever though of what you expect from God?

Some people see God as a magical genie just waiting to grant some wish to his “master.” They expect God to be at their beckon and call. Of course others expect God to be an angry old man just waiting for you to step out of line – kind of like your old elementary school principal from back in the day. I’m not sure either one of those fits my expectations.

Truthfully this isn’t something I have really considered until just recently. But I do have some things that I have thought of which seem to be Biblical. Let’s see what you think.

I Expect God to be Much Smarter than Me

That seems like a truism but I’m just not sure everyone would agree with that. It’s so common that we try to out-think God. Have you ever heard someone say something like: “I just can’t figure out why God would do so and so.” Maybe, “It doesn’t seem fair that God will do this or that.”

Job couldn’t figure out why God seemed so angry at him and why he suffered so terribly. God really set him straight didn’t he? Continue reading I Am A Christian Because God Exceeds My Expectations | 20 reasons