Tag Archives: serving

Serving or Served?

There are many problems in the world which run the gamut from inconvenient to catastrophic, from too many meetings at work to nuclear proliferation. I probably cannot do much about nuclear bombs and I probably can’t help you with your work schedule but I am not powerless to serve.

The follower of Jesus seeks to serve others because Jesus served.

But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,  and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.  For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:43-45

I was recently in a restaurant. I noticed there were far more customers than servers. That’s to be expected in a restaurant but not in the church. We need churches full of people who serve others in some way. Church leaders must ensure ample opportunities for service among their people.

According to Jesus, greatness is in serving. That’s upside down from the world’s thinking, but Jesus says that we must become slaves in order to become great. Slaves. Who wants that? Jesus was a slave who went to his death to serve us (Philippians 2:8).

What have we done to serve others?

We do not have to die to serve, but we do have to serve in some way.

  1. Look for opportunities to serve. Seek them out. Do not wait for someone else to point out a need.
  2. Act on opportunities. A church program or another leader is unnecessary. You do what needs to be done.
  3. Pray for unseen opportunities. Sometimes, the deepest needs are hidden. Ask our Lord to open your eyes.
  4. Don’t miss the small stuff. A phone call or a card can do much to brighten the day of someone struggling. Your thoughts and prayers matter.
  5. Ask to serve. There are many ready-made opportunities for service. Get involved somewhere.

We all have talents. Use your talents to their maximum. Be like Jesus and serve others!

7 Ways to Squeeze More Out of Your Spiritual Life

The equation is simple:

Flesh and bone + spirit = mankind

We understand that man is made of the physical and the spiritual. We carefully monitor our diets and exercise our bodies but may neglect the most important part which is our spiritual man. Paul told Timothy that spiritual exercise was more important. “…for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise of the present life and also for the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). In the gym we push a little harder, spend a couple of extra minutes on the treadmill or push around a bit more iron, but how can we squeeze more from our spirit? Here are seven suggestions to deepen your spiritual walk.

Pray Intently

There is no greater gift from our Father than the medium of prayer. Our example, Jesus, practiced near constant prayer unto his Father. He is found praying at the most difficult moment of his earthly life as he waited for the mob to come and arrest him at Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36ff). Jesus taught his followers to pray also (Luke 11:1-4). You can empower your prayer life with these quick tips.

  1. Keep a prayer journal and write down what you want to pray for.
  2. Forget about “thee’s” and “thou’s” and just say what you mean.
  3. Set a time every day to pray and do not allow the world to encroach on that moment.
  4. Pray specifically not generically.
  5. Pray first for others and then for yourself.
  6. Be prepared to wrestle with God in prayer and do not give up (c.f. Genesis 32:24-32; Luke 18:1-8).

Read With Purpose

God’s Word is a marvelous bridge to the spiritual that can transport the weary heart toward heaven. When you read, look for something. Search for some passage or comforting verse that speaks loudly to you. The Christian reads to grow and to draw closer to God (James 4:8). Try this when you read:

  1. Choose a passage that meets your immediate need. Psalms for comfort, James or Proverbs for wisdom, etc.
  2. Choose a time to read when interruptions are unlikely.
  3. Look for a key word or phrase that is important.
  4. Read like you are searching for answers for you are!
  5. Answer the question, What is the writer saying to me?

Be Quiet

We like to talk. In fact, it’s hard for us to shut up and listen isn’t it? But when reading the Scriptures we must stop talking, out loud or in our heads, so that we can drink deeply of God’s immense wisdom. Some years ago the idea of meditation came to be linked with far out guru’s and eastern mystics. But Paul told Timothy to meditate on godly things (1 Timothy 4:15 KJV). The idea of meditation is to immerse oneself in a thought or study. Use these tips:

  1. A quiet place is essential – eliminate all distractions.
  2. Begin with prayer and ask God for help in meditating on his word.
  3. Plan to meditate immediately after you read the Bible. Focus upon that one word or phrase that seems important to you.
  4. Consider what the text says and think of ways to put it to work in your own life.
  5. End with prayer, asking God to help you remember and apply what  you have studied.

Watch God Work

I’m 47 years old but I still love birthdays and Christmas. I get a thrill out of opening presents. The Christian is the same way about all of life. Each day is a present from God just waiting the follower to open it up and find the heavenly surprises. I like to give God all the credit for the many little things that happen throughout the day. Nothing big, just one little blessing after another. But remember, you have to watch to catch them. And don’t forget to offer a little prayer of thanks for each one.

Seek to Serve

The Christian life is a life of service, both toward God and toward our fellow man. Sometimes service does not come calling. We must seek opportunities to serve. Jesus was a server. He served the poor, the dejected, the grieving, the confused and the ill. Paul often described himself as a servant. Here are a few ideas for service:

  1. Seek out someone unloved and ignored. Make them feel special by your attention.
  2. Send an anonymous card of encouragement to someone hurting. Tell them you are praying for them.
  3. Maintain a prayer list of people in need. Serve them by taking them before the Father in prayer.
  4. Grab a couple of friends and go do the yard work for an elderly person. Accept nothing but a “thank you.”
  5. Call a church leader and tell them you want to be involved. Ask how you can best serve.


Perhaps the most difficult thing is to submit our lives wholly unto God. He is the master and we are the servants. Our world teaches us to pursue promotions and advancements. “Look out for number one!” is the call of culture. The Christian can dispense with such notions in their spiritual lives for Christ is first in all things. He is “the only sovereign, the Lord of lords and King of kings (1 Timothy 6:15). When I come to understand that I am only a servant in the fields then all t he responsibility (and all of the grandeur) for victory belongs to Him.


When our service is done the Christian will vanish. We do not wait for praise or accolades for they all belong to Christ. Any praise is deflected to the throne where Jesus rules over his people. It doesn’t matter if my name is in the church bulletin or if my picture is in the newspaper. All glory to Christ for I am but his servant. We know that any glory and praise we accept is less that is directed to Jesus. Let him absorb all glory and honor and let me only hovel at his feet.

A deep meaningful spiritual life does not come over night. It is part of a maturing process that enriches through time. But now is the moment to begin. Serve him and draw near. You will not be disappointed!

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on building a deeper spiritual life.

Focus on Somebody Besides Yourself

I know that football season is just days away. So with the kickoff in mind I thought I’d share this story from John Maxwell’s “25 Ways to Win With People.”

Maxwell tells about former University of Colorado coach Bill McCartney. Colorado was set to play rival Nebraska on the Cornhusker’s home turf. Colorado had not won a game from Nebraska in 23 years! Coach Mac knew that it would be easy to assume the worst and go down in defeat one more time. But the coach believed in his team and only wanted them to believe in themselves.

The coach asked his players to call someone they loved and tell them that they were dedicating the game to them. They asked that person to watch every play knowing that they were giving it their all for that one person. Coach Mac went so far as arrange to have team balls, with the final score on them, sent to every person his players called. He believed in his players and knew that if they focused on someone else they would find renewed strength and energy.

The Colorado Buffaloes beat powerhouse Nebraska 27 to 12.

Try taking your eyes off of yourself and focusing on those around you. You may be suprised how much energy you discover.