Tag Archives: forgiveness

But I Said I’m Sorry!

Bob and Carol had an awful fight. After yelling at each other for almost 2 hours the house settled into a chilling silence. Finally, a full day after the battle Bob came and sat beside his wife. “Carol, look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did and I was wrong. Please forgive me.” He seemed so sincere that Carol couldn’t help but forgive him.

About a week passed and yes, you guessed it, they were fighting again. Bob had repeated his first mistake almost exactly like he did the first time. As before there was anger, then coldness which was followed by an accepted apology.

Was Bob really sorry? Did he mean it when he asked for forgiveness? Should Carol have forgiven him the first time around?

All of these are good questions but stop short of the fundamental problem: Bob never truly repented of his error.

Repentance is not easy. It’s probably impossible without a health dose of divine assistance. Nevertheless, repentance is taught by Jesus himself. Continue reading But I Said I’m Sorry!

With His Hat in His Hands

Old timers used to say that a humbled man “had his hat in his hands.” It referred to the appearance of someone in humility or someone who had been shown to be wrong and was coming to ask forgiveness. We don’t see many people today with their hats in their hands. Humility may be a lost emotion in some places.

I’ve been thinking today of forgiveness, specifically forgiveness from God.

I am a sinner. And my own sins have risen like a great wall between me and God (Isaiah 59:2). He cannot so much as look upon me (Habakkuk 1:13). I am fully broken. I am lost.

I can work night and day doing good, I can seek goodness through my own merits and I will always fall short. Because of my needs I require the forgiveness of God. It is against him that I have sinned.

Against God only I have sinned (Psalm 51:4) and it is his forgiveness I crave.

It is a tremendously comforting thought that God is willing to forgive when we are willing to come to him -“with our hat in our hands” – and seek him. There is no place at the Throne of Grace for arrogance or pride. There is no place for the self-righteous. The one who seeks forgiveness must repent and humble himself.

Let us come humbly to the Lord and meet him on his terms. He is faithful to forgive

How You Can Beat Internet Pornography

You want out of the porn game.

Maybe you’ve been caught. Maybe you are suffering under guilt. Maybe you crave the self control you lost. It is clear: you need help and that’s why you are here.

You Can Be Forgiven

The first problem to overcome is your breakup with God. The Bible is clear that viewing pornography is a sin. Jesus said that anyone who looks at woman to lust has committed adultery of the heart. (Matthew 5:28). Jesus promises forgiveness to any sin for anyone who comes to him in faith and obedience. No matter how deep the habit, no matter the harm done, you can break away from the sin and find redemption in Jesus alone.

Contact me for one on one Bible study and we will help you overcome the sin.

Must Do’s to Beat Internet Pornography

You must stop. Sure, that’s easy for me to say. But when all the resources have been marshaled and all the struggles have been overcome, you must stop. Do not lose sight of that goal. Are you willing to do anything to stop? You can!

You must change your playground. I would suspect that there are no more than one or two places where you actually view porn. Avoid those places like the plague. Someone might argue that they cannot avoid their home or their office. That’s a good point. There is one common factor between your office and your home: your computer!

If there is no swing at the playground you cannot fall off of it. If you must, remove the temptation. Move the computer. [cref keeping-internet-pornography-out-of-your-house We have previously suggested] that the computer should be in a busy room of the house. Now is the time to move it.

You Must Confess. It is well said that confession is good for the soul. But the idea here is to find an accountability partner that you can talk to any time the obsession begins to increase. A minister, Bible class teacher, a respected friend or an older mentor can serve to keep you accountable. You share with them your problem and ask them to keep a check on you frequently. You will also call them for support when you feel yourself slipping.

This person must love you deeply because you are sure to cause them some inconvenience. But they must not a pushover. Your partner must be very firm with you and not accept a relapse.

You Must Get Help. Internet pornography is not a harmless distraction. It’s not simply “eye candy.” It can quickly become an addiction with complex neurophysiological processes at work. Just as an alcoholic needs help, so do you.

Cindy Warren is a counselor with expertise in various forms of addiction. She can be reached through Warren Counseling Services of Daphne, Alabama. If you are not in south Alabama, Cindy will still be glad to talk to you and help you find a counselor near your home. Call Cindy for help.

This is not a battle you should or can fight alone. Get help now.

We hope our series of article have been useful. At least we hope they have caused you to think about this disastrous problem.

Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

What Will You Do With 2009?

This morning 2009 lies before us like an un-plowed field awaiting the farmer’s disc. It is raw and unprepared and waits to produce whatever is planted among its rows.

What will we do with 2009? Put differently, what will we be saying about 2009 a year from now? That answer depends upon what we do today and upon the plans we make for our new and unbroken field of dreams.

Probably most people want a prosperous year. 2008 has been difficult and challenges will continue into the new year. But people are hoping that by this time next year they will be better off than today. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve your state financially. But the words of the book of Proverbs: “Give me neither poverty or riches…that I be not full and deny you…or that I not be in want and steal” (Proverbs 30:8,9). Seek moderation.

Perhaps more time with your family is a goal for the coming year. O that more would build their families! Jacob’s family, torn by infighting and jealousies, was, nevertheless, a tightly woven family. What a joy to see them reunited in Egypt before the death of their aging father (Genesis 46:5-7). Families today are often torn and twisted by those same kinds of jealousies and troubles Jacob experienced. But with God’s help family healing is nigh. Is there some family member you are feeling disgusted with? Is there a brother or sister or mom or dad who has hurt you to the core? Maybe it is time to make that phone call – right now – to start the year off with a victory!

But what about your spirit? What about that part of man that will live on forever? What will be its destiny in 2009? Family and finances are certainly important but the eternal home of the soul is far more important than any thing we choose upon earth. Jesus’ admonition in the Sermon on the Mount comes to mind when the Savior said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). There is nothing more important, nothing that stands above our relationship to the Father and his blessed Son. Jesus makes our task even plainer when John writes, “Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life…”(John 6:27).

So for 2009, use your time to focus intently upon your walk with Jesus. Sure, there are big obstacles and challenges – time is easily lost and before we realize what has happened with are again at the end of another year. Begin now, right now, by pausing a praying to God for the strength, resilience, determination and even courage to bring your life into his purposes.

2009 can be a great year if you want it to be. So what will you do with 2009?

When Sin is Very Public

Many sins manage to stay covered from the eyes of men. But sometimes sin becomes extremely well known. How shall we respond when a family member or close friend is caught up in sin? Will we separate ourselves from them or will be respond in love, strength and support? Some do not understand that Christians are people of forgiveness – forgiven ourselves and willing to forgive others. The world does not so understand and so declares us hypocrites when our sin becomes noticeable.

Phil Sanders at Concord Road has a posting  that deals with this very subject in the context of the present presidential campaign. I hope you will read it carefully.


Romans 5:6, 15-17

Matthew 18:21-35

Independence Day is upon us and we celebrate the founding of our great nation. Marked by outdoor parties with mounds of ribs, beans and potato salad we will stuff ourselves immensely and then settle down to watch a sky-show of fireworks. Many will hardly consider the cost of our Declaration of Independence in 1776. It’s was the ever wise Benjamin Franklin who warned his fellow freedom seekers “We must hang together , gentlemen…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.” Freedom always comes with a steep price.

As followers of Christ, we are bought with a steep price: Continue reading Freedom