Tag Archives: 20 reasons

20 Reasons: God’s Wrath

The wrath of God is real. It is not something to trifle with or make light of. God is angry over man’s sin. Not until we understand just how awful sin is, we will never understand God’s righteous indignation.

I am a Christian in part because of that wrath. Oddly enough, many non-believers use the wrath of God as a supposed reason to show that God does not exist. In fact, without wrath we would wonder at how sin could be so bad without the expression of his wrath.

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Why I am a Christian – 20 Reasons

I am a Christian. I am a believer in an almighty God who sent his son to die for my sins. My reasons for being a Christian are many and varied but I plan to offer the top 20 here. I’ll list them today and then expand upon them in coming weeks.

This list is prompted by a similar but opposite list by a former believer at a blog called The BEattitude. This individual recently offered up a list of why he is no longer a Christian. His article is not particularly hateful. He’s not a raging maniac with a chip on his shoulder. But he has clearly lost his faith. It is terribly sad and pitiful. My article is an attempt to answer his complaints. Some of what he says is difficult to answer but not impossible. Some of the things on his list are rather shallow. All have been hashed and re-hashed over the centuries. But I suspect we have all struggled with something on the list at one time or another. I am a Christian because:

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