Category Archives: John

John 3:16 – Coming to Terms With Real Love

Perhaps the best known passage of Scripture is correctly known as the Golden Text of the Bible.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

The reader must not rush through this marvelous revelation or he will miss the single greatest message of Scripture: God loves you.

John 3:16 has become uniquely beloved among the Scriptures because of its simplicity and ease of memorization. Other Scriptures say much the same including Romans 5:8 and 1 John 4:9, but this passage is so compact and so simple that all men can come to appreciate the meaning.

But at the same time, John 3:16 is incomprehensible. Its depth lies far beyond mortal man Continue reading John 3:16 – Coming to Terms With Real Love


“And the word became flesh…” (John 1:14)

There may be no more powerful statement that the phrase above. “The word became flesh” encompasses everything we know about God’s love and about his plan for mankind. Let’s look carefully and dig a little deeper here.

“The word…” John writes here of something called the “word.” We need go back only a few verses to understand what he means. “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God” (John 1:1). Translating the Greek word LOGOS, we would normally understand it to mean Continue reading Incarnation