Category Archives: Abortion

Obama and Abortion

President Obama gained a reputation as a supporter of abortion, even of the horrible partial-birth abortion. A year ago he called for supporters and opponents to find common ground on the subject of abortion. That was a speech  that never really made sense to me. I don’t think we have common ground with those who support abortion. In my judgment it is a gross sin and objectively wrong. It is a horrible human / civil rights assult against the weakest among us. Supporters believe it is a “right.” Not sure there is any common ground there.

Continue reading Obama and Abortion

Teen Pregnancy

There is troubling news today about teen pregnancies and the rate of abortion. A new report suggests a rise in pregnancies and abortions although the long term trend remains downward. I’ll let you read it for yourself at TIME.COM. But we should be reminded that we all need to remain vigilant and maintain open lines of communication with our young boys and girls.

The answer to abortions is not legislation but solid moral training at home. Parents who wait for the schools or the churches to teach their children about sex make a profound error. It is the job of parents to teach children the all important facts of life. Parents must step up and teach their children.

When pregnancies do occur let us use compassion and love to help the young people make wise, Godly decisions. We must give them the tools and options which allow them to carry their children to term and we must encourage them to draw near to God who gives comfort as no other.

What are your thoughts?

What Pro-Lifer’s Really Want

Abortion is probably the single most polarizing discussion in America. Few people are in the middle and most have staked out their positions long ago. Still there are frequent debates. Conservative Chuck Norris entered the fray with an article entitled Away with the Manger.” In it he suggests that abortion may have been driven in ancient days by a desire to avoid stoning for immorality. Norris’ suggestions are pretty wild but are nothing in comparison to Left-wing talk show hostess Rachel Maddow at MSNBC. Maddow actually suggested pro-lifers would love to see the return of stoning. She said, “I look at the whole crux — the whole crux of his argument rests on the idea if only we still had stoning for abortion.” Actually, Norris was making the opposite point that stoning may have contributed to abortions in the first century. But with her wildly misapplication of what he said showed us a bit of what pro-abortionists think of pro-lifers. Cheap shot don’t you think?

Here’s the truth. Pro-lifers simply want for the unborn what Rachel Maddow has: Life. We are not concerned to issue punishments except insofar as the law allows. No one has ever suggested we bring back stoning for abortion. Our preference is to promote life. We want the unborn to have a chance at the same life we all have enjoyed.

The abortion debate will rage hot for years to come. Maddow should be ashamed.

Forced to Assist in Abortion

There are few things in life that I am certain about but abortion is one of them. It’s just wrong. Now comes word that a nurse was forced to assist in what turned out to be a non-emergent abortion even though the nurse had serious moral issues with the procedure. I’d suggest you read this post about being forced to assist an abortion and follow the links to check things out for yourself. Despite promises to the contrary, radical politicians and radical feminists continue to demand that we bow at their altar of abortion.

God is the giver of life and no one has the right to set that aside except in those rare cases which He has approved. And before someone charges that a woman has a right to her own body please remember that you do not have a right to someone else’ body. Try to sell a kidney or a lung and see how far you get before federal authorities come calling.

No, abortion is the current scourge of our society. We should all be ashamed.

Now in spite of my rather strident comments I am always interested in your thoughts and would appreciate your comments here on the blog. Be anonymous if you wish.

What If Abortion Was Legal When You Were Born?

What if abortion were legal when you were born? Would you still be here? Many of us in our 40′ and beyond would not be. For those born later the answer is obviously “yes.” But then you have to wonder how many brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, schoolmates, etc. are missing from  your life because of abortion.

Abortion is one of the hottest political buttons in American culture. There are usually very few people in the middle. Either you are a pro-life person or pro-abortion. There is very little middle ground. The one who approves of abortion cannot imagine how a sane person could possible restrict the decision a woman might make. Pro-life activists cannot imagine how one could take the life of an innocent. It may be that radical political change in Washington may have opened the door to a swelling of support for the rights of the unborn. We have previously written of the [cref abortion horrible attitude of our leader toward human life.] This post offers some reason for optimism.

Talk About Abortion

Clenard Childress is an activist who calls upon churchgoers to rise up and speak out against abortion. He writes an article in Christianity Today, Speak out Publicly. He notes a shift in those opposing abortion. It could be that the radical proposals in health care have caused some to rethink their stance on the sanctity of life.

Pass Abortion Laws

Charmaine Yoest heads Americans United for Life. She argues that out best chance for laws restricting abortion is to be found in  the state legislatures. She cites a study done by a University of Alabama researcher which seems to point the way forward. Her post is Pass More State Laws.

Do Something About Abortion

Finally, read Melinda Delahoyde’s challenge to Volunteer at a Center. Pro-life advocates are open to one great charge: We don’t do enough to help the mother’s during and after their pregnancy. Of course this opens the door to a healthy discussion of adoption which is often lacking in the church. Here’s the opening quote from Delahoyde;

Can you imagine what our nation might look like if every pro-life individual applied the full weight of his or her passion to reaching out with support and care to women facing crisis pregnancies?

You will find her article encouraging but very challenging.

Christians must not accept the continuing downward spiral of our national morality. Remember the word sof

Will Murder Change ProLife Debate

It’s been a couple of weeks since abortion provider George Tiller was gunned down while serving as an usher in church. As we have mentioned before George Tiller should not have been killed. He was a man caught up in an evil way of life to be sure. Why the Lutheran church was using him in such a public role despite his well known, unrepentant reputation as a third trimester, partial-birth abortion doctor is still odd and hasn’t been talked about much. But regardless his life was precious.

Some are now wondering if his murder will change the level of support prolife forces had gained before his death. As we suggested, the pro-abortion crowd was happy to paint all prolifers with the red-neck, unlearned, hick-style, gun-totaing terrorist brush. Most know better and recognize desparate propaganda when they read it. But Christians must not back down from the battle. Innocent lives are taken every day. Let us reach the hearts of the mothers before it is too late.

Abortion and Pro-Life

The slaying of George Tiller has caused an odd twist in the abortion debate. Those in favor of abortion rights are complaining about the taking of his life while some in the pro-life community have taken a more relaxed few of his murder. To be fair, those opposing abortion who accept murder are very few but their existence is highlighted by left leaning reporters and give the false impression that all of us approve of murder. Also, those who support abortion do not all support the idea of partial-birth abortion. Nevertheless, the abortion supporters are winning the media contest. What happened was terribly wrong and must not be accepted or condoned.

Continue reading Abortion and Pro-Life

Abortionist Murder is Unacceptable

Dr. George Tiller was no hero. He routinely took the life of unborn babies. Specifically, he was one of the few U.S. physicians who performed late term or partial birth abortions. Tiller was a part of what is perhaps the most shameful aspect of our present culture.

He was gunned down on Sunday while serving as a church usher. CNN is reporting that a man has been arrested in the slaying of the abortion doctor and will be arraigned later today. I am sure there are extremists who will argue that Tiller deserved to die. Some will say that his murder saved the lives of many children. But in my judgment, the murder of the abortion doctor was wrong. Life is sacred – yes, even his.

Christians are to respect the law of the land (Romans 13) and are to be good citizens. We have no authority to take vengeance into our own hands. God will avenge the innocent (Psalm 94:1, Romans 12:19). Those who seek to justify this act will find themselves on the proverbial slippery slope toward anarchy when every man chooses his own way (Judges 17:6).

Such an act unfairly taints every person who opposes abortion. We have opposed abortion in this space before and will continue to do so. This act however does not help.

Should Christians Be Concerned about Sotomayor?

President Obama has nominated federal judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Typically, Christians are quick to analyze the prospective justice’s view on abortion – usually. Only in this case there is a problem. Judge Sotomayor has never directly ruled on abortion or a woman’s right to choose life or death for her unborn child. In fact, some leftists are concerned that she may not be liberal enough on abortion.

The question of whether Sotomayor is pro-abortion is covered in detail by Ed Morrissey at Hot Air.

Jesus taught the Christians are to be the light of the world and that we are to be as salt (Matthew 5:13, 14). In other words, we show God as the giver and sustainer of life and call our fellow citizens to respect life in every way. Of course we also know that government is not, and must not become, the church. Our brethren in the first century labored under atrocious repression from both government and culture. Nevertheless they grew exponentially. We do not need government to be godly in order to be godly ourselves. We will remain faithful. But let us be prayerful that we may live in a country where God is upheld and his word respective. Let us also use the tools at our disposal to affect policy at all levels of government.

Fair Minded Words

Abortion is the sleeper issue of the present administration in Washington D.C. Recently President Barack Obama spoke at Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic university. He touched on abortion in his speech. President Obama called upon people to stop demonizing one another in their debates and disagreements. Joe Palmer at Wishing for you a better life now and in eternity suggests that the President is being selective in singling out words that disagree with his position especially on abortion. His post on the President and abortion is called “Fair-Minded Words.

We are reminded of Jesus’ words that “…the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil” (John 3:19). We suggest you read Joe’s article and consider how hard the darkness works to minimize the terrible scourge of abortion on our people.